Nine Lives
I think it is unlikely you have a complete understanding of addiction.How come in venues involving Snoop.....I'm thinking of Last Comic Standing.....where he was a judge, he was able to smoke his weed in a no-smoking theater?
Is he addicted so much that he can't get through a show taping without smoking? They did the same for him at a 'roast' for Martha Stewart. Most people who smoke (regular cigs.) step outside once in awhile to puff. Snoop can't even be away from it. Venues break fire marshall laws to accommodate him and his addiction, yet no one else is smoking anything.
Also Snoop needs an intrepter........scrambled brain has scrambled his language.
Ever been through a 12-step program?
Snoop does NOT appear to be an addict since cannabis is not addictive but it does make depression worse if over used.