Exactly right, but no one voting for Obama seems to care about this program, and what it has caused. I bet the majority of them dont even know/never heard of this program. You cannot stay tuned into one channel, and know what is going on in the world. Thats their big talking point, yet they are the ones with their heads buried in the sand.
If I were voting for a candidate this flawed, I think I would have to look elsewhere. If I had voted for him last time, I would have to look around and see the sentiments of someone I felt was smarter/doing better than me, and see what they think, if I did not do my own due dilligence.
But the fact is, to those hardcore Obama supporters, they will lie there with him, as long as they keep thinking he cares about them. He doesnt actually, he makes fun of them. He talks down to them. Every time he changes his accent, to try to fit with the crowd, or acts like he was wronged like in the days his people were slaved. He never had a hard day in his life, he was never poor, he doesnt know what it is like to go without. And he doesnt know crap about businesses or the economy, he was never part of it.