Opinion on outcome of panel hearing


Well-Known Member
Anyone that has experience with the panel would love 2 get ur advice/opinion/help... okay i was rushed 2 the hospital on an ambulence X amount of time ago and while hospitalized was literally unable 2 contact ups while i was hospitalized. While in hospital ups tried 2 deliver the 48-hr notice and termination letters. As soon as i got out i reported and learn i have no job so went 2 the hall and filed grievance. Had a local x amount of time ago and ups's position is that of grievance was not filed in a timely manner and case is going 2 panel coming up. I have all documentation that i was hospitalized and also had no way to contact anyone whatsoever via letter from dr and hospital. Pretty much lookin 4 opinions/educated guess's 2 how this is most likely gonna turn out at panel ty guys 4 help.
I wonder why your center manager or supervisor did not try to call you. I hardly ever take a day off and I am almost never late. If I am running a little late due to getting caught in traffic, I usually get a call from my sup asking me if I am ok. Usually there is panic in his voice. LOL I have even gotten calls on Mondays of my vacation asking me why I am not in. When I tell them I'm off they laugh and apologize. LOL Your manager could have given you a courtesy call. Just my opinion.