Fred Z showed something when he stood up in 2011 at the Convention. But he chickened out at the two man. Why? Because he knew he have an issue. Had he expressed a legitimate point maybe a vigorous discussion could have begun. The mic's were set up in the center aisle for anyone to come forward and voice their opinion or ask questions. Several went forward and questioned some points. Fred stayed hiding with Tim in the back row. Lost all respect for him that day.
What questions did you ask???
Anybody who stayed mute at that meeting (which is apparently most everybody) must have either been overwhelmed, or scared as well?
In hindsight, who can deny that there wasn't many valid questions that begged to be asked and answered?
Yet a whole room, of our so-called frontline Local leaders, from all across the country just sat on their dicks and said next to nothing?
Seems to me that the present culture in our union is to either stay in line and don't break ranks, or prepare for a swift kick in the teeth...and that sucks.
I respect anybody who subsequently found a pair and dared to take a step out of the box, because it needed to happen.