My Senior Picture
When H20 wins I will be rubbing it in your face and you will fade into the woodwork like the insect you are. Nice try at deflecting but you are scared son. You showed your cards. They are the cards of a beaten down cryer who never did anything about it other that chat on the Internet.
Full Definition of grace
- 1a : unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification b : a virtue coming from God c : a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine grace
- 2a : approval, favor <stayed in his good graces> b archaic: mercy, pardon c: a special favor : privilege <each in his place, by right, not grace, shall rule his heritage — Rudyard Kipling> d: disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemencye : a temporary exemption : reprieve
- 3a : a charming or attractive trait or characteristic b: a pleasing appearance or effect : charm <all the grace of youth — John Buchan> c: ease and suppleness of movement or bearing
- 4—used as a title of address or reference for a duke, a duchess, or an archbishop
- 5: a short prayer at a meal asking a blessing or giving thanks
- 6plural capitalized : three sister goddesses in Greek mythology who are the givers of charm and beauty
- 7: a musical trill, turn, or appoggiatura
- 8a : sense of propriety or right <had the grace not to run for elective office — Calvin Trillin>b : the quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful