Paganism and Christianity



BBSAM, I am not a follower of any faith. I went to catholic school until I was thrown out at age 12 for disagreeing with the teachings. I would not allow myself to believe the stories contained in the bible as "real" as they made no sense. I would not allow myself to believe that some "being" assigned to outer space was capable of creating one planet and placing all living things here. I wouldnt allow myself to believe that some "desert drifter" talked to some burning bush and found the rules for mankind that amounted to nothing more than "common sense".

What i do believe is that Religion has been the source for all hardships in this planet. All the wars, all the strife because one religion wants to dominate the world. Even today, christian missionaries are going into countries where they dont belong and trying to convert nations. When they get killed, I feel no sympathy for them. They shouldnt have been there in the first place.

HITLER was a good christian and we saw how that worked out.

BB, I side with you on almost every issue, but on this particular one we will disagree. I respect that you have "faith" and I apologize if I offended you with my writings. They are nothing more than my opinions.

I do not intend on convincing anyone of anything, nor would I try to convince you to give up your "faith". All I am "airing" is my personal belief system, thats all.

The bible is filled with horrible stories of a serious magnitude and to that extent I find the bible a farce.

Fathers stoning their daughters to death for not being virgins and having to give away their goat to make up for it is something out of fantasyland.

If a true believer wants to hold the bible close to their hearts as "the spoken word", then they'd better start stockpiling rocks.

The ten commandments didnt come from the burning bush experience.

Hitler was not a "good christian". He set up his own leaders in the churches to spy on and control the christians that wouldnt bow to his control. It was reported that he could be heard screaming, out of his mind in his barracks when he was alone. He killed Christians that would not buy into his demonic agenda.

Don't try to pollute or dilute christianity by putting Hitler or Jim Jones or whatever mad man in that margin. It won't fly.

I know that Jesus is real .

When i was killing myself with drugs and alcohol in the late 70s thru the early 80s I found freedom through His Name when a group of people prayed for me in a little Assembly of God church in Louisiana.

That was thirty two years ago and I haven't needed or abused drugs or alcohol since. I had NO withdrawal symptoms and I actually worked in a drugstore for four years after that experience with not even a temptation to take narcotics or rely on alcohol to make my life seem worthwhile.

We can talk big while we're doing well but don't wait until your last breath to figure it out. I almost did.

Jesus told Thomas..."Blessed are those who have not seen but yet believe".

He's either a liar or He's who he says he is regardless of man's finite assumptions and the church's mistakes.


Well-Known Member
If anyone understand all of the above post, I do.

The items that have invaded the pure intent of the
original Jewish Savior, and the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua
and His words, and the Words of Paul wretch my soul.

I agree it is confusing when reflected in the some of what is
the Church today, and their observance of certain seasons
of the past formed in the observance of pagan practices.

I always share to others, search and seek Him yourself,
by the 66 books of the bible, with a sincere seeking heart,
and if you accept what that still small voice speaks,
you will find the truth.

Once your mind rejects that voice, you open your self
to your own understanding.

How passionate and humble are you to seek the truth, and reach
out for guidance and revelation?