

Palin Follower

Here is an article from Andrew Sullivan, a long time Log Cabin Republican, 1 of many homosexual americans who supported bush in 2000 and 2004.

McCain's Integrity
10 Sep 2008 01:40 pm

For me, this surreal moment - like the entire surrealism of the past ten days - is not really about Sarah Palin or Barack Obama or pigs or fish or lipstick. It's about John McCain. The one thing I always thought I knew about him is that he is a decent and honest person. When he knows, as every sane person must, that Obama did not in any conceivable sense mean that Sarah Palin is a pig, what did he do? Did he come out and say so and end this charade? Or did he acquiesce in and thereby enable the mindless Rovianism that is now the core feature of his campaign?

So far, he has let us all down. My guess is he will continue to do so. And that decision, for my part, ends whatever respect I once had for him. On core moral issues, where this man knew what the right thing was, and had to pick between good and evil, he chose evil. When he knew that George W. Bush's war in Iraq was a fiasco and catastrophe, and before Donald Rumsfeld quit, McCain endorsed George W. Bush against his fellow Vietnam vet, John Kerry in 2004. By that decision, McCain lost any credibility that he can ever put country first. He put party first and his own career first ahead of what he knew was best for the country.

And when the Senate and House voted overwhelmingly to condemn and end the torture regime of Bush and Cheney in 2006, McCain again had a clear choice between good and evil, and chose evil.

He capitulated and enshrined torture as the policy of the United States, by allowing the CIA to use techniques as bad as and worse than the torture inflicted on him in Vietnam. He gave the war criminals in the White House retroactive immunity against the prosecution they so richly deserve. The enormity of this moral betrayal, this betrayal of his country's honor, has yet to sink in. But for my part, it now makes much more sense. He is not the man I thought he was.

And when he had the chance to engage in a real and substantive debate against the most talented politician of the next generation in a fall campaign where vital issues are at stake, what did McCain do? He began his general campaign with a series of grotesque, trivial and absurd MTV-style attacks on Obama's virtues and implied disgusting things about his opponent's patriotism.

And then, because he could see he was going to lose, ten days ago, he threw caution to the wind and with no vetting whatsoever, picked a woman who, by her decision to endure her own eight-month pregnancy of a Down Syndrome child in public, that he was going to reignite the culture war as a last stand against Obama. That's all that is happening right now: a massive bump in the enthusiasm of the Christianist base. This is pure Rove.

Yes, McCain made a decision that revealed many appalling things about him. In the end, his final concern is not national security. No one who cares about national security would pick as vice-president someone who knows nothing about it as his replacement. No one who cares about this country's safety would gamble the security of the world on a total unknown because she polled well with the Christianist base. No person who truly believed that the surge was integral to this country's national security would pick as his veep candidate a woman who, so far as we can tell anything, opposed it at the time.

McCain has demonstrated in the last two months that he does not have the character to be president of the United States. And that is why it is more important than ever to ensure that Barack Obama is the next president. The alternative is now unthinkable. And McCain - no one else - has proved it.


Another example of stretching the truth by Sarah Palins speechwriters can be found in this article. The "inference" she gave to those adoring republican fans at the convention center was that she sold the "luxury jet" by putting it on EBAY.

While she never actually said she sold it on ebay, she "implied" that she did and many people today believe she actually said she sold it on EBAY and repeat this over and over.

In fact, it wasnt sold on ebay and there were NEVER any serious bids on this aircraft and it eventually was sold thru a private aircraft broker for a net loss of $500,000!

(Alaska paid 2.7 million and it was sold for 2.1 million) this is not a PROFIT!

Even McCain himself has stated publicly that the plane was sold on ebay and for a profit!

This proves that bulldogs with lipstick will repeat anything that is put in front of them!

From CNN Correspondent Christine Romans

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (CNN) — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin bolstered her fiscal-conservative credentials early in her term by putting her predecessor's state jet up for auction online.

"That luxury jet was over the top," she told Republican National Convention delegates when she accepted the party's vice presidential nomination Wednesday night. "I put it on eBay."

"How many saw her speech a couple of nights ago? Wasn't it fabulous?" McCain said Friday during a campaign stop in Cedarburg, Wisconsin. "You know what I enjoyed the most? She took the luxury jet that was purchased by her predecessor and sold it on eBay — and made a profit."

But it turns out the twin-engine Westwind II was a tough sell on the Web — and the state eventually pulled it offline and sold it through an ordinary brick-and-mortar brokerage, for a loss, a spokeswoman said Friday.

"Governor Palin has been correct in saying that she put the plane on eBay," McCain campaign spokeswoman Maria Comella told CNN. "They did end up selling it for $2.1 million. but not on eBay."

But in fact, the jet did not sell on eBay. It was sold to a businessman from Valdez named Larry Reynolds, who paid $2.1 million for the jet, shy of the original $2.7 million purchase price, according to contemporaneous news reports, including a story in the New York Times.

Dan Spencer, the director of administrative services for Alaska's Public Safety Department, said that the Republican speaker of the Alaska House, John L. Harris, brokered the deal.

What happened? It appears that, as promised during her bid for governor in 2006, Palin did try to sell the plane on eBay but that doing so was not as easy as it might have sounded. After putting it up to auction, there was one serious bid, in December 2006, and it fell through. Still, the Westwind II was sold about eight months later, achieving Palin's goal of ridding the state of a luxury item.

But that hasn't stopped Palin, or McCain, from implying -- and, on Friday, claiming outright -- that Palin did sell the jet on the Internet.

"You know what I enjoyed the most? She took the luxury jet that was acquired by her predecessor and sold it on eBay -- and made a profit!" McCain declared in Wisconsin at a campaign stop on Friday. It could not be immediately determined what that profit was.

The video tribute to Palin that aired at the Republican National Convention on Thursday night made the same claim. "She signed sweeping ethics reform legislation, auctioned the governor's jet on eBay," the narrator said, citing it in a list of Palin's achievements.

Palin has been more cautious in her comments. Rather than claiming she sold it on eBay, she gave in her convention remarks a description that was true but, nonetheless, still left the impression she had sold the jet online. "That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay," Palin said.

You folks have got to come up with something better then this to discredit palin. Lets see Palin said she put the plane up on Ebay. She actually put the plane up on Ebay but did not sell it there.
Wow the earth is shaking now. Hold on Everyone we are going for a wild ride this might just end up equalling travelgate. And of course its brought to you by some spineless anon poster sneaking around in the shadows.


Well-Known Member
I missed this little gem. If you had paid a little more attention in CCD you would know that the Christian God does not live in Greek Mythology.:happy-very:

I know, thats as silly as stating that the Iraq war is a "mission from God"

"That same pastor also said that Alaska will be a refuge for the “end of days”..a shelter for Christians....."
Look out we got a preacher that actually likes a part of america. Granted its not the whole country but he at least likes one part of it. Is this progress or what?

Are Jews, Muslins, Athiests and Buddists invitied?.....And can the Eskimos stick around....:happy-very:
He sounds like one of those "condo commandos" here in Fla in an over 55

You folks have got to come up with something better then this to discredit palin. Lets see Palin said she put the plane up on Ebay. She actually put the plane up on Ebay but did not sell it there.
Wow the earth is shaking now. Hold on Everyone we are going for a wild ride this might just end up equalling travelgate. And of course its brought to you by some spineless anon poster sneaking around in the shadows.

Why so defensive?......these are legitimate questions and concerns that deserved to be dwelled into.....Folks didn't seem to have a problem with digging into Obama's past, religion and personal life. Yes, there's Plane on E-bay-gate, her latest pregnency-gate, there's Bro-in-law Trooper-gate, bridge to no where-gate....she full of gates...what can I say....:wink2:


I know, thats as silly as stating that the Iraq war is a "mission from God"

I'll give ya a point on that one.

Are Jews, Muslins, Athiests and Buddists invitied?.....And can the Eskimos stick around....:happy-very:
He sounds like one of those "condo commandos" here in Fla in an over 55

soon as we convert them all to god fearing christians.:happy-very:

Why so defensive?......these are legitimate questions and concerns that deserved to be dwelled into.....Folks didn't seem to have a problem with digging into Obama's past, religion and personal life. Yes, there's Plane on E-bay-gate, her latest pregnency-gate, there's Bro-in-law Trooper-gate, bridge to no where-gate....she full of gates...what can I say....:wink2:

I know I always worry when the liberal press looks to shoot down a republican candidate. At this point she is holding up pretty well, few scratchs on the paint job but no dents. By the way the next rumor is she may have some overdue library books. :happy-very:
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UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I think the only thing we should dwell upon is the fact that you like to wallow in mud.

Thick, slimy and stinky mud! Its kinda like trying to put cologne on a pig wouldn't you say?

You keep opening the door and slamming your head into it! Every time you bring up religion we will bring up that stellar patriot, preacher and faithful husband, Rev. Wrong!


Well-Known Member
You must have an interesting definition of religion.
Not really. Evolution is based on the same kind of faith that any religious group must have to believe in whatever belief it is they have. Evolutionists claim that everything they present is based strictly on science, which simply isnt true. There is more than enough scientific data out there to support teaching a creation class along side the evolution studies


Well-Known Member
I think the only thing we should dwell upon is the fact that you like to wallow in mud.

Thick, slimy and stinky mud! Its kinda like trying to put cologne on a pig wouldn't you say?

You keep opening the door and slamming your head into it! Every time you bring up religion we will bring up that stellar patriot, preacher and faithful husband, Rev. Wrong!

Boy, I must of touch a nerve on Lifer :lips:.....Now he's telling pig


Well-Known Member
Perhaps he meant that you were drowning since your grasping at so many straws.:happy-very:

I tell you what, I wouldn't mind drowning in the mud with Sarah Palin, as we are mud wrestling, she can spray cologne on me and I'll try and apply lipstick on her...SuWee.....squeal like a


Staff member
Not really. Evolution is based on the same kind of faith that any religious group must have to believe in whatever belief it is they have. Evolutionists claim that everything they present is based strictly on science, which simply isnt true. There is more than enough scientific data out there to support teaching a creation class along side the evolution studies

I would disagree. Religion requires faith in the supernatural, whereas science looks for natural, humanly measurable and testable ways to explain things. There may be a certain amount of faith required in that, ie, faith that your testing methods are transparent and replicable, and faith in the process of peer review as a check, but that's clearly not in the same ballpark as believing that there is a supernatural being who controls everything.

That's the big difference between between creationism and evolutionary theory. Creationism is not science because it relies on a supernatural explanation without which it doesn't work. You personally may not agree with evolutionary theory, but it doesn't require a belief in the supernatural to make it work.


Well-Known Member
science looks for natural, humanly measurable and testable ways to explain things. There may be a certain amount of faith required in that, ie, faith that your testing methods are transparent and replicable, and faith in the process of peer review as a check
there is not a way to test that man evolved from apes (which is the claim). All fossils that have been found are either man fossil or ape fossil. There has never been a part man/part ape animal found. How is this transparent and replicable. There is a blind faith that so many things about evolution is true, and that is not science. There are 2 BASIC questions that should easily be answered by science that cant. 1- How can something come from nothing. This has to be true for evolution to be true. 2- You can have genetic mutation (either a shift or loss of genetic info), but it has never been scientifically proven that adding new information to DNA code is possible.

That's the big difference between between creationism and evolutionary theory. Creationism is not science
There is plenty of science out there that coincides with a creation model, as a matter of fact the evidence fits much more logically under this model. We have faith in a creator the same way you have faith that life simply started naturally somehow


Staff member
there is not a way to test that man evolved from apes (which is the claim).
Actually that's incorrect. Evolutionary theory posits man and apes had a common ancestor.

All fossils that have been found are either man fossil or ape fossil.
That's incorrect as well. Here's a list of some recent finds, you can certainly find some more comprehensive lists if you care to look.
There has never been a part man/part ape animal found.
Once again, noone claims that man evolved from apes.
How is this transparent and replicable. There is a blind faith that so many things about evolution is true, and that is not science.
Can you give some examples?
There are 2 BASIC questions that should easily be answered by science that cant. 1- How can something come from nothing. This has to be true for evolution to be true.
That actually has nothing to do with evolution. Abiogenesis is a completely different theory.
2- You can have genetic mutation (either a shift or loss of genetic info), but it has never been scientifically proven that adding new information to DNA code is possible.
I'm not sure that's relevant, or necessary to evolutionary theory. People and cabbages share genetic material, though obviously in different configurations.
There is plenty of science out there that coincides with a creation model, as a matter of fact the evidence fits much more logically under this model. We have faith in a creator the same way you have faith that life simply started naturally somehow
Can you show me a "theory of creationism" that doesn't rely on a supernatural explanation to make it work? If you can't, then it clearly requires a different kind of faith than science does. And I don't have faith that life simply started naturally somehow. I have no clue how life started.


Well-Known Member
I'll say this for Palin, that girl has brought some excitement to what would have otherwise been an act of pure boredom like a NASCAR race where all you needed to do was nap on the couch and wake up in time to watch the last half lap!

:happy-very: Drop the rag!

Now if we can just get one of the candidates, after a debate, to say:

"wel da boyz back at ta shop did a goodt job with tha kar but we slid hur into tha wall and boogered her up prutty bad!"

BOOGITY! BOOGITY! BOOGITY! Let's go lyin......I'm mean campaigning boyz!



I tell you what, I wouldn't mind drowning in the mud with Sarah Palin, as we are mud wrestling, she can spray cologne on me and I'll try and apply lipstick on her...SuWee.....squeal like a

Be carefull when you do , I think she's still fertile.:happy-very:


here is the speach *** (fox) news only shows a frigging part I don't not agree with it but this is what Trinity UCC church put out. I think it was something between fox and this.
FOX Lies!! Irresponsible Media! Barack Obama Pastor Wright

I do not endorse this church but I do go to church and it has shaped me in to a conservative democrat because I don't support abortion..
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Well-Known Member
Actually that's incorrect. Evolutionary theory posits man and apes had a common ancestor.
and just what is that exact ancestor that "humans" come from. This is science so it needs to be exact. It has to be proven, not suggested through educated "guesses" through similarities

That's incorrect as well. Here's a list of some recent finds, you can certainly find some more comprehensive lists if you care to look.
I dont see the true examples of a creature that develops from non human to human. It always turns out to be one or the other. Also, I noticed a lot of UNscientific terms in your list... I found things such as "it seems to..." , "it is said...", "it is thought to be...", "is claimed to be...", "... suggesting that...". Science is more actual than this.

Once again, noone claims that man evolved from apes.
touche... let's just say human/non human then

That actually has nothing to do with evolution. Abiogenesis is a completely different theory.
If you are going to teach evolution, you need to be able to trace everything back to the very beginning. If it is so scientific, then you should be able to trace everything back to the start, with verifiable evidence to back it up. Evolution doesnt start or end at a certain point does it?
I'm not sure that's relevant, or necessary to evolutionary theory. People and cabbages share genetic material, though obviously in different configurations.
Is very relevant. If evolution is absolutely fact then you need to explain how complex beings like humans can evolve from the simplest of lifeforms if you dont have "new", not mutated genetic information

Can you show me a "theory of creationism" that doesn't rely on a supernatural explanation to make it work? If you can't, then it clearly requires a different kind of faith than science does. And I don't have faith that life simply started naturally somehow. I have no clue how life started.
it doesnt matter if there is a supernatural explanation for the start of existance in order to teach creationism. Just as you cant explain how life started. You just have a faith that somehow it did and evolution took over. I simply say that you can teach creation through science without being able to explain the exact beginning, just as evolution cannot explain. You can show through the same science though, that it is POSSIBLE that evolution may be wrong and a history of life stemming after a world already created may be right. Which is why if you teach one, you should also have the other one out there. There's a reason it's called the "THEORY of evolution"


Well-Known Member
More Palin-tology

The Odd couple......One of Sarah's aquaintences on her UN tour leader speed dating

She went on a merry-go-round with Henry the K



here is the speach *** (fox) news only shows a frigging part I don't not agree with it but this is what Trinity UCC church put out. I think it was something between fox and this.
I do not endorse this church but I do go to church and it has shaped me in to a conservative democrat because I don't support abortion..

Was this clip supposed to justify his actions? A few momments of sanity before the good reverend wright went off the deep end?