Part-Time Medical Coverage


there going to do away with the 3.5 hours? please tell me this is a bad joke.

Bravehearts misinformation campaign. the 3.5 gurantee is still in. However if you don't want to hang around for the full 3.5 hours you can choose to leave early and get paid actual hours worked.

He tries to make it sound much more ominous then it really is. You'll see a lot of this during this time as company haters try to make everything sound worse then it really is.


I think the part timers are getting the shaft!

Starting wage still stuck in stone age at $8.50

New 90 progression that bumps up the starting wage if they stick around 90 days.

ZERO NEW 22.3 FULL TIME JOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

However the company agrees to create 20,000 new friend/t jobs during the life of the contract.

ZERO improvements to stop seniority and harassment violations

Actually quite a few improvements in the contract offer.

NO catch up raises!

90 day progression is a catch up raise.

Split raises at 20 hours and .35 cents is only a $7 a week raise WOW

Only full time drivers can get on 9.5 list!!!!!Let the abuse begin!!!!!!!

how do you figure? You can opt out of the 9.5 protection you don't have to opt in?

Still no sick days for 3 years!!!!!

Our folks who are part time now have not lost a thing. More misinformation

No paid holidays for your 1st year!!!Can you feel the love??????

Our folks who are part time now have not lost a thing.

3 and 1/2 gone if you bust it out and go home early

No loss of the 3.5 guarantee.



Well-Known Member
Well yesterday we got more details on the new health plan in the mail. And it looks pretty good. I would say excellent, because it looks better than any of the plans they offer now. I showed some guys at work and they now said they would have voted yes. But they voted no because they were worried about the health plan. UPS should have sent this information earlier. There are a lot of guys that don't care about the raises or the combo jobs. They just want their benefits and I guess pension.


Well-Known Member
Who does it list as a provider (healthcare)? this interests me. I know it doesn't affect our local (least thats what they told our hourlies). We currently get Blue Cross or Harvard Pilgrim I believe (may have been fallon) for the union and Aetna, Cigna and Blue Cross for management in our area.

I am curious about this as well as my employees have heard little to nothing about this when I mentioned it.

It was mainly a set of talking points with a column of features, a column of in-network obligations and a column of out-of-network obligations. On the front of the bulletin it states "...Under Article 34 of the tentative agreement, all part-time employees who are currently covered by company sponsored health plans will be covered under one health plan, the UPS National Health Plan for Part-Time Employees. This new coverage will be effective January 1, 2008, provided the agreement is ratified."

I don't see any mention of specific provider names.
ZERO NEW 22.3 FULL TIME JOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

However the company agrees to create 20,000 new friend/t jobs during the life of the contract.

in my hub it only takes a year to become a full timer, howver many of us do not wish to work outside the hub, so this would do nothing for most people i know

Still no sick days for 3 years!!!!!

Our folks who are part time now have not lost a thing. More misinformation

No paid holidays for your 1st year!!!Can you feel the love??????

Our folks who are part time now have not lost a thing.

some of us dont only care about ourselves but also for the people who will on day be working next to us, this screw them not us attitude is sickining, but then again we all know managment doesnt give a crap about the employees


United Prole. Socialist
Well yesterday we got more details on the new health plan in the mail. And it looks pretty good. I would say excellent, because it looks better than any of the plans they offer now. I showed some guys at work and they now said they would have voted yes. But they voted no because they were worried about the health plan. UPS should have sent this information earlier. There are a lot of guys that don't care about the raises or the combo jobs. They just want their benefits and I guess pension.

Brother, you do realize don’t you, that this plan is worse than our current plan, right? As it is, right now, we have the equivalent as full-timers, which is great medical coverage. Now, if this thing goes into affect, those that are affected will be put into this inferior plan that you claim is so great. I am not saying its bad, I am saying that it is worse than what we currently have. Now let me ask you, why would you want to digress from what you now have? In this new plan, you will most likely be paying more per visit, and more out of pocket money for things down the line, trust me on this one. It’s a sell job, why do you think it came from the company and not the Union?


Brother, you do realize don’t you, that this plan is worse than our current plan, right? As it is, right now, we have the equivalent as full-timers, which is great medical coverage. Now, if this thing goes into affect, those that are affected will be put into this inferior plan that you claim is so great. I am not saying its bad, I am saying that it is worse than what we currently have. Now let me ask you, why would you want to digress from what you now have? In this new plan, you will most likely be paying more per visit, and more out of pocket money for things down the line, trust me on this one. It’s a sell job, why do you think it came from the company and not the Union?

Ahhhh ummmm Mr. Voice the man said he recieved the information and the plan is better then what he has now. what part of that did you not understand?


Well-Known Member
Bravehearts misinformation campaign. the 3.5 gurantee is still in. However if you don't want to hang around for the full 3.5 hours you can choose to leave early and get paid actual hours worked.

He tries to make it sound much more ominous then it really is. You'll see a lot of this during this time as company haters try to make everything sound worse then it really is.
Sorry brainwashing rich man, but what about the carwasher that bust out his work in 3 1/2 hours of work in 3 hours and there is nothing to do. Do you punish him for be faster than the other guy?

What about the reload guys that are rapped early, why punish them for being quick!

The guys that slide out the back door and there is work to do past 3 hours may be one thing but to punish others is wrong. Besides that what pay actual forms and codes are for!


Well-Known Member
Wow, instead of medical benefits for the wife and kids at 3 months, optical at 6 months, and dental benefits at 12 months, they get a $1 raise at 90 days instead of the .50 cents that they already get anyway.

OHHHHHH, but no benefits for 12 months and the wife and kids can now wait 18 months!!!!!!

The extra .50 cents at 20 hours is only $10 more a week!!! Just have one or two medical issues before the benefits kick in and that .50 raise is meaningless isn't it!!!

Hell, one Dr appt and a prescription and you will have eaten up like 20 weeks worth of that giant raise!!!


Well-Known Member
ZERO NEW 22.3 FULL TIME JOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

However the company agrees to create 20,000 new friend/t jobs during the life of the contract.

in my hub it only takes a year to become a full timer, howver many of us do not wish to work outside the hub, so this would do nothing for most people i know

Still no sick days for 3 years!!!!!

Our folks who are part time now have not lost a thing. More misinformation

No paid holidays for your 1st year!!!Can you feel the love??????

Our folks who are part time now have not lost a thing.

some of us dont only care about ourselves but also for the people who will on day be working next to us, this screw them not us attitude is sickining, but then again we all know managment doesnt give a crap about the employees
Sorry to inform you but I was talking about what the future employees are losing.

We gave away the sick days in the current contract!!! We were trying to get it back to 156 reports 1st year and 1 full calender year which was more than fair!!

You need to read the contract buddy!


IT STATES "Accordingly, the Employer commits that during the life of this agreement, it will offer part-time employees the opportunity to fill at least twenty thousand (20,000) permanent full-time job openings throughout its operations covered by this agreement."

You people need to take some contract law classes.

Commits does mean guaranteed!
Offer also not a guarantee!
Opportunity also not a guarantee!!

OPENINGS being the one and only word you need to read anyway!!!!


These are current jobs that we already have and damn well should keep anyway and be filled from the part-time ranks! NOT NEW JOBS!!!!

We had 2 TCD's last year and now we have 7 TCD's after some full timers quit and others got promoted. We can't even get those promoted now!!!!


Sorry brainwashing rich man, but what about the carwasher that bust out his work in 3 1/2 hours of work in 3 hours and there is nothing to do. Do you punish him for be faster than the other guy?

Ah you want to pay the man a bonus now? Excellent.

Its real simple. he keeps working until his 3.5 hours are up or if he wants to leave early then he can and get paid actual. You're trying to make this sound worse then it really is. Stop being a drama queen and keep it real.


Well-Known Member
Well you LIE about the 20,000 new full time jobs! The contract only commits to offer the opportunity to fill 20,000 job OPENINGS!!!!!!!

An opening is a current job we already have sparky, not a newly created job. They are openings because they became open when the full timer left the company for one reason or another!!!!

Please show me where in the contract that they actually improved the seniority bumping rights, stopped all the excessive harassment rides and intimidation!!!
Please show me, they all seem to have an NC for NO CHANGE next to them!!

What no rebuttle for the Giant $7 per week raise for part timers?

The 90 day bump in pay is not a catch up raise sparky!!!!! It was a trade off to get the part timers medical benefits delayed 12 and 18 months!!!! The catch up raises were like this; we got .75, .75, .80, .80, .90 and $1.00; the part timers were to be caught up by getting; .85, .90, .95, $1.00, $1.10 and $1.20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We got $5 over 6 years. The part-timers got $6 over 6 years!!!!!!!!

It states that FULL-TIMERS can opt-in for the 9.5 protection.
It states nothing about protecting the cover drivers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And why would we allow you to have people opt-out of the 9.5 at any time if you are not going to equally let anyone opt-in at any time!!!!!What about the guy who starts on the list but 2 months later wants off due to wife losing her job or gets pregnant?!?!? What about the lady who is not on the list but needs to get on it due to need to get home sooner to help aging parents or needy kids with school or health problems??!?!?!?!?!? 5 MONTHS IS A JOKE!!! It should be month to month!!!!!!!!

As for the paid holidays and the sick days, they are benefits that were either lost in the current contract that we want back, or things we are giving away now!!!!

The rich manager, unlike myself, cares nothing about the people beneath him!!!!

I think that we are all equally hard working employees that deserve equal benefits!!!!

I will take smaller raises and lower the sups working back to 1 1/2 time penalty, plus lower the 9.5 back to double time if they fix the contract wording as well as give back all the benefits that they keep taking away from the new part-timers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and I want the 10 year vacation at 5 years too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have named you sparky because you are a liar liar pants on fire!

Did he just pee himself to put out the flames from his pants or from the fact that I just TORCHED him?!?!


Well you LIE about the 20,000 new full time jobs! The contract only commits to offer the opportunity to fill 20,000 job OPENINGS!!!!!!!

An opening is a current job we already have sparky, not a newly created job. They are openings because they became open when the full timer left the company for one reason or another!!!!

ah you're kidding right? You're not really this naive are you.

Please show me where in the contract that they actually improved the seniority bumping rights, stopped all the excessive harassment rides and intimidation!!!

Start at page one and work your way through the entire offer line by line.



Well-Known Member
i talked to my local, and he said our insurance will not change one bit. it does say that in our supplement. it might be different for everybody though. you might want to read your supplement or call your local guys. hopefully they will tell you the truth.

Article 34, Section 2: "Part time employees covered by a Teamster Health and Welfare Fund will continue to be covered by those funds." Which is what I suppose your local meant when they said that your insurance won't change. But...

"...effective January 1, 2008 health and welfare coverage for all part-time employees on the payroll at the time and those hired thereafter will be provided pursuant to the tems of an Employer sponsored nationwide health care plan, namely the UPS National Health plan for Part-Time Employees." it seems new part time employees at your location will, after the one-year delay, join the UPS plan. And the pool of employees in your plan will accordingly get older and more expensive. With predictable effects.


Who the *$#@ cares.
The CS buyout creates a huge way UPS has to bargain and that bargaining comes down to cutting back in other areas of the contract, health, pension, jobs, etc... JUST FACE THE FACTS!


Well-Known Member

I am a new hire. Started first week of September. So I do not have insurance as of yet. Due to get it after 6 months. does this mean I will now have to wait 1 yr for me and 18 months for family? Thanks
I think i found my i will not have to wait, but my plan will be crappy:(
Anyone have a copy?
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Well-Known Member
One more thought.....this new "insurance" should only be for new hires after signed contract. Some of us came to UPS, put a lot of hours in, after we were sold on the "great insurance we would get after 6 months." If I do not get "the insurance" i was sold on....then I am getting shafted. Feels like bait and switch to me. I put in 2 months of work becuase I was told i would get X insurance and now I am going to get :cursing:Z.


Who the *$#@ cares.
You technically are already in the door, the new contract would pertain to new hires after July 31st 2008, BUT dont quote me on that! alot of loopholes in this UPS/Teamster contract.

browned out

Well-Known Member
In our district part timers have traditional blue cross blue shield and 100% paid prescriptions. Management used to have the same but in the 90's they were forced into an HMO. I know many supervisors and to a man they all liked the traditional plan way more than the HMO>

Will this new plan be an HMO probably

It comes with a prescription card but will there be a copay?
