What to you mean helper? Social distance- will refuse a helper this year cuz no pkg car 6 foot rule possible!Yep. The title says it all. If you have a “peak mode” that you go into in order to get the extra volume done in time then you are a coward. Don’t be a coward. Follow the methods. Walk at a brisk pace and your helper should be too. Leave packages in the cargo hold until you get to the next stop. Stay on designated walk paths. Drive the speed limit.
More work doesn’t mean you have to “pick things up a notch.” Unless you are a coward. If it seems like you might roll stops don’t worry about it. Let management worry and send one of their brainwashed cowards (or regular runner and gunners) that thought they were clocking out at 17:30 to bail you out. That’s what work horses are for. Just work safe and let those clowns absorb the extra work. Maybe they’ll learn their lesson and slow the friend down.
Does that mean you're going into Peak Mode so you can really knock it out of the park and show how it's done?I take pride in my work and I actually like my job
I'm more of a 3rd down running back.Does that mean you're going into Peak Mode so you can really knock it out of the park and show how it's done?
Running back to the package car so you can get on to the next stop.I'm more of a 3rd down running back.
I have a good walk pace but I definitely don't runRunning back to the package car so you can get on to the next stop.
I always felt bad for the helpers that got passed around from coward to coward. They'd eventually end up assigned to me and the looks on their faces when I’d tell them the cowards weren’t suppressed to be making them run was priceless.I'll admit it. My peak mode sucked. I used that time to set in a warm truck and have a helper do the dirty work. I loved peak once they started the helper program.
You have to remember when I worked we didn't have any fancy gizmo telling us what our next stop was- how to get to it and how many packages you had for it. It was all a big guessing game. At peak when I was probably averaging 275+ stops in a bricked out 8 cube it took about 3/4's of the day with me just sorting through the mess and getting some order out of it before I could even be much help delivering anyway. Its not like we we sitting in the drivers seat picking our nose. And I wasn't one to make a helper physically run although I never told them to slow down if they were inclined to work that way.I always felt bad for the helpers that got passed around from coward to coward. They'd eventually end up assigned to me and the looks on their faces when I’d tell them the cowards weren’t suppressed to be making them run was priceless.
I love helpers. They deliver 90% of the packages for me over peak. I just go to the back of the truck and hand them the package.They Sent a msg if we’re taking a helper I Said no . I don’t want your lousy helpers.
That’s even more reason to let them walk. Why run if we’re likely still going to be in the back swimming in cardboard when they get back?You have to remember when I worked we didn't have any fancy gizmo telling us what our next stop was- how to get to it and how many packages you had for it. It was all a big guessing game. At peak when I was probably averaging 275+ stops in a bricked out 8 cube it took about 3/4's of the day with me just sorting through the mess and getting some order out of it before I could even be much help delivering anyway. Its not like we we sitting in the drivers seat picking our nose. And I wasn't one to make a helper physically run although I never told them to slow down if they were inclined to work that way.
Runners and gunners actually should wear diapers. They keep them from having to waste time to go to the restroom and they come in handy when they throw a bitch fit when their supervisor, who they thought was there friend, adds another 30 stop to their 12 hour dispatch. LOLNo sir. I'm buying a new pair of Nikes and a peak catheter and running 300 stops off so management will like me and not give me crap about appearance standards. What? You don't use a catheter during peak? And you call yourself a runner...