What we need is growth. More and more employees adding to the kitty. Hard to grow with a tax and spend government with a welfare mentality.
We aren't having any problem growing.What we need is growth. More and more employees adding to the kitty. Hard to grow with a tax and spend government with a welfare mentality.
Only the blind and the kool aid drinkers believed it would be limited.By the way, remember when Governor Walker in Wisconsin was going after public sector unions and people were certain it would be limited to public sector unions? We might want to rethink that.
I'm sure UPS would implement a 50 (years of service) and out policy. No pension, just SS.The new 70 and out. not age,years of service.
That shouldn't be a problem at all. Current retirees should be pulling out from the money put in for them. Not money put in for current employees.Our problem is 5000 more retirees than actives and companies pulling out of our plan and offering a 401k rather than a DBPP.
UPS contributes pension for part time employees. It would be interesting to know how many of them actually work until they are able to retire and draw a pension. Quite a few use UPS as a stepping stone while they complete college. A good percentage of them after completing their degree have seen the challenges they would face at UPS if they made it a career and move on and use their degrees. Those employees of 2 to 4 years contribute pension which helps ours because they will not be receiving a pension.What we need is growth. More and more employees adding to the kitty. Hard to grow with a tax and spend government with a welfare mentality.
Then again if a Union plan is truly in distress and the Trustees determine it necessary to reduce plan benefits for any new retirees; why should someone that possibly retired just prior to the reduction, yet had no more monie$ contributed on their behalf, still be guaranteed significantly more?
Isn't the Union concept all about equality?
I think you mean because the government made you give them money but only for the betterment of all of course.Why should you be guaranteed social security just because you've paid a little bit into it while we paid all our working careers?
I guess this is good for UPS employees and retirees in the Central States Plan?