Just a turd
You mean like my mother who was born blind in a clapboard house with no electricity or running water?
Neither her mother nor father could read.
She worked hard and got a scholarship to the Alabama School for the Blind.
People can pull themselves up through their efforts.
There are many things one can't imagine until they experience them.
My father was blind too.
I observed how my parents and even me were denigrated, shunned and even cursed at.
Being born Black or Blind in America has it's challenges.
I can't begin to tell you all the bigoted and ignorant things said to me in relation to my achievements in spite of having Blind parents.
I was speaking more from a race based bigotry .
But let's take your example.
Not every one (sic) is created equal. You and your family should be commended for what you and they overcame to be a success in life. She sounds like an extraordinary person, but not everyone can overcome the obstacles placed in front of them by life.
I'll use the example of food stamps.
Are there some who will abuse the system. Yes. But if it keeps some kid from going hungry I can live with that. I will make an assumption that the food stamp program is one of those entitlement programs that makes your blood boil. Here is a quote for what the exorbitant cost of that program costs each American.
"In 2012, the average American taxpayer making $50,000 per year paid just $36 towards the food stamps program. That’s just ten cents a day! That’s less than the cost of a gumball."
So are you telling me that paying out that dime a day is such a burden to you, and offends you so much that you would rather see some kid who's family is not as strong willed as yours was to overcome the obstacles life placed in front of them starve? That dime a day is so precious to you that it's ok for people who truly need help should suffer because some lazy guy abuses the system?