Photo of the day

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Arriving April 20Th.jpg


golden ticket member
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My daughter sent me these pictures this morning. She does some weed whacking for Verizon at their towers in Wailua at Pioneer Seed Co. They are always growing something...this time it's sun flowers and they are beautiful!


nowhere special
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My daughter sent me these pictures this morning. She does some weed whacking for Verizon at their towers in Wailua at Pioneer Seed Co. They are always growing something...this time it's sun flowers and they are beautiful!

Cell towers can be nice little cash cows. My church just made a deal with AT&T for them to put up a tower on some vacant land we own. Basically free money for the church and AT&T got some tax and zoning breaks for using that land.


golden ticket member
All of the towers need landscape care....mostly keeping weeds down. She has a small landscape company (one employee) but has the Verizon account for 20+ of their towers on Oahu.