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Nine Lives
Call it greed, desire, want or whatever term fits.

Everyone wants more for themselves. Its human nature.

All those that want less feel, free to speak up.

It's greed when someone else wants or gets more.

It's a legitimate deserved right to the individual who wants or gets something of personal benefit.

It's the ultimate hypocrisy.

You get it ... Very well laid out.

I'll check off the attributes of "Objective" and "Intelligent" by your name. :wink2:


My Senior Picture
Call it greed, desire, want or whatever term fits.

Everyone wants more for themselves. Its human nature.

All those that want less feel, free to speak up.

It's greed when someone else wants or gets more.

It's a legitimate deserved right to the individual who wants or gets something of personal benefit.

It's the ultimate hypocrisy.

You get it ... Very well laid out.

I'll check off the attributes of "Objective" and "Intelligent" by your name. :wink2:

Greed is an excessive desire to possess wealth or goods with the intention to keep it for one's self. Greed - like lust and gluttony - is a sin of excess. Greed is inappropriate expectation. However, greed is applied to a very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of wealth, status, and power.

This is what I consider greed to be and it doesn't apply to any collective bargaining agreement at UPS in my opinion.
The ramblings of the quoted posts above equate to what I consider a philosophical shell game.
At UPS, the rich get richer, while the rest fight to maintain what they have.


Nine Lives
At ******, the rich get richer, while the rest fight to maintain what they have.

Sounds like every person I've ever met ... many of them much wealthier than me.

That's our point. It comes back to my original two adjectives - intelligent and objective. Is that at some level "philosophical" - Yes.
Most intellectual discussions are philosophical in nature. If I want emotional discussions, I listen to my wife ... primarily because I have to.

Basically, "greed" is a subjective evaluation by a person or group of people that tends to justify their own wants and desires and it may be even more overused and meaningless than that other word "Integrity". ARGGH - I think I'm going to throw-up ... I used those two words in the same paragraph. :wink2:


All we want is your unbridled integrity using your objective approach to our logistics.
A BA in BS is helpful but not essential:wink2:


Nine Lives
Greed is an excessive desire to possess wealth or goods with the intention to keep it for one's self. Greed - like lust and gluttony - is a sin of excess. Greed is inappropriate expectation. However, greed is applied to a very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of wealth, status, and power.

This is what I consider greed to be and it doesn't apply to any collective bargaining agreement at UPS in my opinion.
The ramblings of the quoted posts above equate to what I consider a philosophical shell game.
At UPS, the rich get richer, while the rest fight to maintain what they have.

I am watching a show on History International channel called "Seven Deadly Sins" and greed is the crux of all the seven deadly sins. Capitalism is a major topic in the second half of this one hour show. It is interesting and thought provoking ... it discusses the balance of Government and Capitalism is essential for the good of society.
Definitely worth viewing.


Senior Member
Call it greed, desire, want or whatever term fits.
Necessity is my term.

Everyone wants more for themselves. Its human nature.
I only want what I am worthy of earning.

All those that want less feel, free to speak up.
Actually, having less is more.
I learned the hard way.
I went from nothing, to having a whole lot of something.
Now, I am busy maintaining "the more", and have less time.
It's greed when someone else wants or gets more.
Want and need are two separate issues.
It's a legitimate deserved right to the individual who wants or gets something of personal benefit.
Legitimate deserved right?
Who made you believe that lie?
Life is not fair and ultimately has only one rule.

It's the ultimate hypocrisy.
Define it.


Well-Known Member
My intent is that all union members receive free health care. We all have physical demanding jobs and it is the least UPS can do for workers. Again if you manage you can pay.


Senior Member
I am watching a show on History International channel called "Seven Deadly Sins" and greed is the crux of all the seven deadly sins. Capitalism is a major topic in the second half of this one hour show. It is interesting and thought provoking ... it discusses the balance of Government and Capitalism is essential for the good of society.
Definitely worth viewing.

I need to watch that show.
Thanks for the heads up.
Greed implies avarice and many sins are not based on monetary gain.
The Seven deadly sins are,
All these sins have one common thread.
Even the Ten Commandments can be broken down into two parts.
Do not put yourself before God.
Take nothing that is not yours.

being selfish is the core root of what we call sin.



Ponies and Planes
Originally Posted by FracusBrown Call it greed, desire, want or whatever term fits.
Necessity is my term.

Everyone wants more for themselves. Its human nature.
I only want what I am worthy of earning.

All those that want less feel, free to speak up.
Actually, having less is more.
I learned the hard way.
I went from nothing, to having a whole lot of something.
Now, I am busy maintaining "the more", and have less time.

It's greed when someone else wants or gets more.
Want and need are two separate issues.
It's a legitimate deserved right to the individual who wants or gets something of personal benefit.
Legitimate deserved right?
Who made you believe that lie?
Life is not fair and ultimately has only one rule.

It's the ultimate hypocrisy.
Define it.

The ultimate hypocrisy occurs when we call people that earn more than us greedy, whileat the same time, we earn more than 95% of the worlds population and we call ourselves deserving of every dollar earned.

People need food more than we need a house, a car, a TV, etc. Humans are greedy and hypocritical by nature. Most people only see it when they are looking at others, others see it when they look at us.

Greed, desire, want or whatever term fits is a question of perspective.