Tell Em' Big Arrow! That commie ACLU should just be shot on the spot. Even in Texas they are sticking they're commie noses in local business in an ongoing effort to destroy the Constitution, freedom, liberty of the individual and impose tryannical communist despotism on all of us! We should deport their

with all the illegals. Whose with me?
Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > The ACLU Defends Gun Rights
It's so easy to take the red herring bait and run with it until you look at the entire picture to see all there is to see. As a husband to a wife whose been a para-legal for nearly 30 years and knowing Ooo some many attorneys, a complete look at the ACLU's case history will show many more cases that you will vastly agree with than not. I've seen ACLU lawyers defend Christians against the state on a variety of fronts concerning parental rights, I've seen them defend property rights of the little guy against a so-called conservative judicial system willing to allow misues of eminent domain to seize property under the name of the state and then give it to private developers for the soul purpose of high tax revenue returns from so-called better property use. Wake up America because you really don't own your lands like you think.
There's a neighbor of Big and he decides to fight the system and not pay his property tax. The situation esculates and the local gov't comes to seize the property from the rebellious idiot. Big is right there the whole time cheering them on defending the position of the gov't to tax property and the citizen's duty to pay such tax in order for the gov't to function. This yearly rent called a tax he extolls to all is proper and just which the gov't needs the money to do those things he thinks should be done especially since he's a part of the "majority". At the same time he publically decries those ACLU scum as Trotskite Communist out to destroy his world but Big just has always ignored the fact that what he defends was the 1st plank in what Karl Marx described as a methodolgy to take a free and open society to a communist one. Here's plank #1 my friend.
1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.
There is no private property as all must pay a annual rent called a tax that if you research from it's legal foundation it dates in western law back to feudal times when the Lord's of empire charged the peasants a annual use fee in order to grow food that they might survive. The Lords were divine by law as a result of birth and blood but we've grown from such primitive societial forms and now we mandate these divine rights of Kings via the process of democracy but the manipulation and abuse is still the very same thing. Wise ole Solomon said, "there is nothing new under the sun" and man was he dead on the money!
Also what you tend to not judge on the surface is how specific laws or actions came to past. I dare say there are many things that I'd like to see change but if someone was elected President and by his official decree alone and without respect for the process called for in the Constitution, he declared me exempt from all taxes I'd have to oppose such actions. If I stood by and gladly accepted this status, the resulting precedence over the longterm and to resulting generations (my kids and grandkids specifically)to come could damage if not totally undermine the entire Constitutionally mandated process and as a result what's left of our inalienable rights under the organic Constitution could be washed away forever and not there for them to enjoy. Precedence can be a very dangerous weapon and what appears as a surface crack in the door that seems of no concern over time can blow the doors completely off it's hinges. Then the door is beyond repair and nothing will hold out the bad elements. What you percieve as hatred of the military by some is in reality those of us seeing a crack in the door and understanding precedence and how it works, a huge, looming problem in the coming years ahead as others take power and enlarge that new foundation of power.
That very communist ACLU lawyer that you fondly trash talk of might ironically be the only thing to keep you from the very system you alledge that lawyer is trying to instill. Are they perfect? Oh no, they commit their sins as well but it's not some overt or even covert communist conspiracy as the likes of the John Birch Society for example have alledged for 40 plus years. Besides, the otherside of the coin is the current empirical facist you adamptly defend at every turn so the way I see it, what's the difference anyway. Either system is destructive to the individual in the end but that's really important now is it as long as you are convinced you are safe from muslim loonies, nasty illegals and pinko commie fags.
Don't fret Big because the good news is I'm a minority of one so my asinine, insane thinking will never get anywhere and will in the few years ahead die with me and follow me to the grave and your pogeny can rule the world in unbridded power and glory free to be masters of all. To borrow a phrase from early 70's Black Sabbath, you will be a "Master Of
you own Reality" and we shall be your "Children of the Grave."