This topic probably makes all of us uneasy.
With the morning after pill, contraception etc--you would think that the number of Abortions in a civilized society would drop.
Medical technology keeps moving on. Ultrasound used for Abortions shows the baby raising its little hands to DEFEND itself against the fatal stab.
After three weeks there is a heartbeat --it is a life --even if there is no God --Why should another human be allowed to stop a heartbeat --and it is not considered murder.
Women do have choices --who to have sex with --or not, contraception, morning after pill ---Are we really o/k as a society to have had 45 million abortions since Rowe vs Wade ??
Rape--morning after pill --Womans life is in danger ---understandable ----abortion at will some women having multiple abortions ??? 45 million heartbeats !! What if it was you in the womb ??
What sickens me is the Hollywood Bimbos that would not kill a spider ---but are perfectly fine for NO restrictions ---partial birth. botched etc.
If a baby is born during a "botched" abortion ---How many of you could place it in a bedpan to die ???