President Obama cracks jokes and SLAYS FOX NEWS at dinner!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama ran his campaign on creating jobs. And that idiot Joe Biden was about there pushing that three letter word as we'll. remember. J O B S. You fool. I know that they don't literally create jobs.... That is unless they are more government jobs. They are killing the private sector.

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I guess you actually read the jobs numbers eh?? Its not that hard to do. Secondly, this president has REDUCED the number of government jobs and NOT increased then as REAGAN, BUSH1 and BUSH2 did year after year.

Maybe you should try investing in your own research, rather than relying on talking points from talk radio or more specifically, FOX news.

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Unemployment dips to 7.3 percent, but only 63% of Americans are in labor force. GREAT JOB B.O. Do your own research. This president is destroying our country. I guess that's what he meant when he said he was going to fundamentally transform this country. Our president wears skinny jeans. WTF.

Washington Post

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The current unemployment rate sits at 7.3% because of job creation. Unlike BUSH, who wiped out 11 million jobs in 8 years, taking the unemployment rate from a flat 4.0% to 8% the day he left and heading straight down to 10.2% still short of president reagans second year performance of 10.7%.

You too, are a victim of right wing propaganda.

Tens of thousands of new solar industry jobs have been created since 2009 and a totally new industry that didnt exist just a short 5 years ago has been unleased.

Just because some old bitties wont switch to solar power, doesnt mean the industry isnt thriving.

Do some fact checking before you do anymore typing.



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
TOS, he was posting figures from a year ago. The current unemployment rate is 6.3%.

Granted, there are many who have dropped out of the work force, and the employment rate should be better, but the Republican Congress has not voted on one jobs bill, but voted how many times to repeal the ACA?

The opposition borders on sedition.


Inordinately Right
Am I allowed to say that is insane?
I wouldn't say insane... naive maybe. Nah, that doesn't quite describe it either. Convenient. That's what it is. He's connecitng two things that in reality don't have much at all to do with each other, because it's convenient for the narrative he's trying to spin. He didn't come up with it on his own though, it's been sold to him in primetime for years now.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You may say whatever you want but if you really wanted the government to do something about jobs you would do as I said.

Ya, lets go back to the good old days of healthcare where people with pre existing conditions get disqualified from coverage. Lets go back to the days where hospitals were forced out of business by uninsured patients. Lets go back to the days when premiums skyrockted over 2 decades to cover the losses by hospitals and medical professionals.

Its a new day in healthcare. There will be bumps in the road, but things look better every month. Over 8 million have signed up for coverage in a nation where businesses have been cutting healthcare for its employees.

Intercepting these losses with a new system is the right answer for this country.

Everyone gets sick at some time in their lives in this country, and making sure they have coverage regardless of age only insures that the future wont be bogged down by hospital deficits because of the uninsured.

For years, you have blabbered on and on about the ACA, yet, you and the republicans have offered NOTHING in the alternative. Just blabber.

If you are going to bash the ACA, then have an alternative to sell us.



@TOS. What are facts? Is it the lies that your government run media spews daily or it is the president and his lies that you hold close to your bleeding heart. Our government on both sides are as corrupt as they have ever been. Bush 1 & Bush 2 were both crap. I never said any of them were were worth a damn. But you need to open your eyes and see what is sitting at the helm. He has had 5 1/2 years to fix this mess. 5 1/2 years. How long are you going to blame this on Bush. Time to start accepting some responsibility for his God awful administration. He is holding us back as a country. We are bankrupt. The value of our dollar is weaker. And all he can do is create division among the people. Black vs. White. Male vs. Female. Gay vs. Straight. I thought he was the great unifier. Wake up. Stop eating the bull:censored2: that MSNBC is feeding you. By the way I don't watch FOX either. They are just as bad. State run media needs to go!

25 and out


Well-Known Member
Ya, lets go back to the good old days of healthcare where people with pre existing conditions get disqualified from coverage. Lets go back to the days where hospitals were forced out of business by uninsured patients. Lets go back to the days when premiums skyrockted over 2 decades to cover the losses by hospitals and medical professionals.

Its a new day in healthcare. There will be bumps in the road, but things look better every month. Over 8 million have signed up for coverage in a nation where businesses have been cutting healthcare for its employees.

Intercepting these losses with a new system is the right answer for this country.

Everyone gets sick at some time in their lives in this country, and making sure they have coverage regardless of age only insures that the future wont be bogged down by hospital deficits because of the uninsured.

For years, you have blabbered on and on about the ACA, yet, you and the republicans have offered NOTHING in the alternative. Just blabber.

If you are going to bash the ACA, then have an alternative to sell us.


Your propaganda has been repeatedly debunked.


golden ticket member
TOS, he was posting figures from a year ago. The current unemployment rate is 6.3%.

Granted, there are many who have dropped out of the work force, and the employment rate should be better, but the Republican Congress has not voted on one jobs bill, but voted how many times to repeal the ACA?

The opposition borders on sedition.
Bills were presented but Harry Reid refuses to let a vote be taken.....he seems to have more power than the least he thinks so. Reid is the blockage in the bowels of congress.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
@TOS. What are facts? Is it the lies that your government run media spews daily or it is the president and his lies that you hold close to your bleeding heart. Our government on both sides are as corrupt as they have ever been. Bush 1 & Bush 2 were both crap. I never said any of them were were worth a damn. But you need to open your eyes and see what is sitting at the helm. He has had 5 1/2 years to fix this mess. 5 1/2 years. How long are you going to blame this on Bush. Time to start accepting some responsibility for his God awful administration. He is holding us back as a country. We are bankrupt. The value of our dollar is weaker. And all he can do is create division among the people. Black vs. White. Male vs. Female. Gay vs. Straight. I thought he was the great unifier. Wake up. Stop eating the bull:censored2: that MSNBC is feeding you. By the way I don't watch FOX either. They are just as bad. State run media needs to go!

25 and out

IN this entire paragraph, none of it contains a single fact, just the same tired political rhetoric of the right wing regardless of where you heard this.

Hopefully, you realize you stated nothing but propaganda, right?

You had to hear this stuff somewhere, and you didnt come up with these thoughts all on your own, because its the same talking points of fox news, rush limbaugh, etc etc etc..

you can : insert here : any source that taught you these talking points.

It doesnt matter, you are still wrong.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Bills were presented but Harry Reid refuses to let a vote be taken.....he seems to have more power than the least he thinks so. Reid is the blockage in the bowels of congress.

We have covered the "bills" a million times. You call them "bills", but in reality, they are LACED with riders and amendments that have nothing to do with jobs, and everything to do with killing other programs or funding.

You wouldnt know the difference of course, because you dont understand how a bill is constructed, and you merely rely on soundbites on fox news for information.

Those bites contain nothing of substance.

How about citing ONE PARTICULAR bill that was not voted on???

Show us the bill, it will start with SB


Lets read it together.

my money is on , you will go back to watching the five.



Strength through joy
tos , there you go again repeating that other only watch/listen to Fox News , when in reality it is you who does .
It is much like your radio listening ( RL ) .

You know there is a cure for your BDS .
All you have to do is ask for help .


golden ticket member
We have covered the "bills" a million times. You call them "bills", but in reality, they are LACED with riders and amendments that have nothing to do with jobs, and everything to do with killing other programs or funding.

You wouldnt know the difference of course, because you dont understand how a bill is constructed, and you merely rely on soundbites on fox news for information.

Those bites contain nothing of substance.

How about citing ONE PARTICULAR bill that was not voted on???

Show us the bill, it will start with SB


Lets read it together.

my money is on , you will go back to watching the five.

How a bill is constructed was part of civics lessons on the cave walls back in the day. By the way, some bills start with H.B.........those are the ones submitted to and ignored by scary Harry!


Well-Known Member
How a bill is constructed was part of civics lessons on the cave walls back in the day. By the way, some bills start with H.B.........those are the ones submitted to and ignored by scary Harry!

Meanwhile the dimocrats a party of no, no jobs, and no liberty control the Senate.