So if I want to run an oil 'recycling' facility, I'm free to dump that oil in the river , then urinate on it?
That's what the Repubs are asking for.
That's ridiculous. No politician is asking for this. If you actually believe this, i feel sorry for you. Most likely, you know it's not true, but believe the old adage, tell a lie long enough and people will believe you. Show me from one reputable source where a republican is quoted as saying that. To be clear, I'm not talking about a source from a far left web site where a democrat said that's what republican's want.
Let's look at UPS history and that's a good description of the government getting in the way. It took years and years and years for us to get approval to just offer service in each of the United States. For a while we couldn't offer intrastate service in TX. We could pick up from TX customers and deliver to their customers in other states, and we could pick up from a non TX shipper to a TX receiver. However, we weren't allowed to pickup in TX to deliver in TX. That's just one of many issues UPS faced. The reasoning is quite simple, politicians put in laws to help their "friends" who wanted to stop competition within TX.
Another issue is that when we built a building, we weren't allowed to have a facility in one state have the drivers deliver to another state. I know in NH we used to have a facility in Lebanon NH and about 10 minutes from there we had another UPS facility in VT (White river jct). In Keene NH we have a building and about 20 minutes away in Brattleboro VT we have another UPS facility. There are other examples in various parts of the country. Only relatively recently (the last 30 years or so) were those rules by the various governments removed. Now, FDX Ground has often taken advantage of the rule changes so they can build an ideally geographically suited facility that services multiple states. As I said, we can do it now, but once we build a facility we don't usually close it down unless there is a real good reason for it.