I hope you're not insinuating that the USS Cole suspect was innocent.
Not insinuatiing anything Sammie or if I am, I refer you back to my post where I said the following:
The real problem of Gitmo is the fact that among the prisoners there, resides some pretty nasty fellows. I don't doubt that at all.
I'm stipulating with the fact and my belief that at Gitmo are some bad people being held.
OK, next point. For the record, I did not vote for Obama and I don't support Obama but let's look at President Obama's decision as you seem to put it to release all the Gitmo prisoners back out to reign havoc and destruction back on us again. It is true that Obama wants to close Gitmo in a year's time but what exactly does that mean? Can Obama just pick up the phone and order this done like we would order pizza from Pizza Hut and give little thought to all things involved? No, he can't and in fact in defense of President Obama, I'm not convinced he did any such thing. I'm not convinced your argument is valid in that context.
On Jan. 22nd, 2009, President Obama issued an Executive Order that called for the Closing of Gitmo but in the Executive Order, very specific details laid out the process in which this should be done and how the prisoners should be processed. Here is the actual order diret from the White House website:
Now take the time to actually read this document for yourself and consider these points.
Sec. 2. Findings.
(a) Just read it at the link
So before Obama took office, the federal gov't or to be more specific, the executive branch and the military under that command, this being President Bush, has released/moved/etc. in one form or another 500 of the 800 detainees at Gitmo. In otherwords, the previous adminstration removed nearly 2/3rds of the prisoners from Gitmo in various ways so let's be clear on that fact. Some reports of recent are that a number of these are alleged to have returned to the field of battle in the so-called "war on Terror." If so, don't blame Obama, let's be fair and clear on that fact.
I don't see anyone getting released and free to go in any of this without first that person having had their case reviewed if not adjudicated in one form or another. I think if President Obama can move these persons forward and have their case adjudicated so we know who in fact we do have, what we have and who shouldn't be there would be a good thing. What if we have somene there we think is a bad guy and therefore we in some way relax but once tired and the evidence gets full review, we realize the person is either innocent or not as deeply involved, we can then set about the task of actually finding the ones who did the deed and get them. Is the point to get the right people or is it just the fact that we get somebody to blame just to make us feel better in our rightous indignation? A US Court Judge ruled that the gov't of Sudan was responsible for the Cole attact and yet have we set about to kick some Sudie arse?
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17598388/ Where's you rightous indignation there? Yeman actually freed not only many of the attackers of the Cole but the plotter himself.
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/10/26/terror/main3414029.shtml Again, quiet as a church mouse from the Amen corner! But hey, we got the guy in Gitmo, RIGHT! Yeah we got him so all is well! Attention, place you seats in the relaxed position and return to your sleep as "THE STATE" has you protected.
Has there been a case where someone was realized not to be as big a fish as once thought and then later they were better properly classified and convictions still went forward? Yep! The case of Salim Ahmed Hamdan fits that example.
The infamous Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld case created a problem for Gitmo and let's be clear on something before going forward. You can blame liberals for this, you can blame spineless democrats for this but here's the aweful truth. 7 of the 9 SCOTUS judges that heard this case (yes I know Riberts recused himself) were republican appointees. Let me say this again more clearly, only 2 of the SCOTUS judges who heard this case were appointed by liberals/democrats/commies/fags/losers or whatever term of the day you guys use but the point is, don't blame this on them. In fact, in response to this judical problem, Congress and this includes a few democrats voted to pass the Military Commissions Act to circumvent the problems presented by Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld but IMO it created an even worse Constitutional nightmare whose precedence may haunt us badly one day. In the US Constitution under Art. 1, Section 9 under the powers of Congress it states that Congress can't pass an ex post facto law. SCOTUS had ruled as a matter of law that the GITMO detainees for right or wrong, had access to certain rights, priviledges or what have you. In order to partly circumvent that decision, the Military Commissions Act was passed "by Congress" and in this matter I believe this is ex post facto law and violates the spirit of Art. 1, Sec. 9.
You see, in your bloodlust for revenge you are allowing congress to set a precedence they can exercise later. What if for example your worse nightmare in the democrat controlled Congress decided to make something you did today that is completely lawful, a crime come Monday and then send out federal agents to arrest you for it? If we give an inch, they take a mile and come Monday, that income you earn at UPS that really belongs in total to them, they may decide that 50% of that should be taxed and in fact to correct the wrongs of the Bush tax cuts they are going to pass an ex post facto law that retrieves those back taxes from you. As much as you guys spin the nightmare scenarios of Reed and Pelosi, you gonna sit there and tell me they would not do this if the opportunity too do so presented itself and they could get away with it? Think again DUDE!
All detainees will get a full review and Sec. 4 of the order even specifies that among those involved in this review process are none other than the Sec. of Defense (Gates) and the Joint Chiefs of the Military. Are you gonna sit there and tell me that these men will allow any bad guys to run loose willy nilly? I'm a complete believer in all things gov't are all things screwed up but I don't even go that far! Democrats are minding the store and the last thing they want to do is set the wrong person loose and have them come back and do something and make them look bad. As much as democrats screamed about the Patriot Act, now that they solidly control Congress and could rescind that Act in the blink of an eye, have they done so or even as much as even mentioned it? Nope a peep! And in a twist of irony, Obama adminstration lawyers are currently defending John Yoo and his torute memo's in a federal court lawsuit.
http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0109/18063.html And let's be clear, President Obama is in effect defending Dick Cheney because Yoo was Cheney's attack dog.
As one of my favorite lines from the Sci-fi B movie They Live. "Ain't Love Grand!"
No Sammie, I don't pretend anyone at Gitmo to be innocent nor guilty for that matter but how can we trust the outcome if there is reason to believe the convictions were rigged for a political outcome as one of the links discusses in my original post. This is exactly why Col. Mo Davis left and Lt. Col. Darrel Vandeveld also left as Gitmo prosecutor and is speaking out.
If in our bloodlust, we just want a body to blame so the old west lynch mob cries, "get a rope" then we can do this all day long but what good does it do to not make sure we have the real bad guys and prove it for the world to see. America was founded on justice and in fact as this may be offensive to some (screw you if it is) on principles found in holy writ that are rightous and morally correct even among our human errors. For those of you who proclaim a christian foundation, how would you answer if it turned out you called for the blood of the innocent to be spilled to satisfy your so-called rightous indignation? Don't make the mistake and give Pontius Pilate the excuse to allow Barabus to run free while the State executes an innocent man. Mobs can easily be manipulated to do such a thing! The State doesn't care in it's exercise of power if the party is guilty or not, the point is only in making sure the masses continue to believe in the State itself. Ceasar as the right hand of God and the Godking does live!