President Trump


Staff member
Because you judge your life by what the NBA does? My post you responded to said nothing about mainstream media nor the left-wing hit news networks like CNN and MS NBC
Wow. I thought my point was clear but let me help you.
You believe that these companies and sports organizations shut down because left wing news outlets and critics of the president we’re trying to “get him” even if it meant they would lose billions of dollars?


Well-Known Member
Wow. I thought my point was clear but let me help you.
You believe that these companies and sports organizations shut down because left wing news outlets and critics of the president we’re trying to “get him” even if it meant they would lose billions of dollars?

Are you saying that Mark Cuban does not like throwing money away?


Inordinately Right
Wow. I thought my point was clear but let me help you.
You believe that these companies and sports organizations shut down because left wing news outlets and critics of the president we’re trying to “get him” even if it meant they would lose billions of dollars?
Can you explain to me why Democrats are trying so hard to block legislation that would prevent people from suing businesses if they claim to have gotten the Chinese Virus there?


Staff member
Can you explain to me why Democrats are trying so hard to block legislation that would prevent people from suing businesses if they claim to have gotten the Chinese Virus there?
Absolutely. Because companies have motives other than safety. The CDC has put forth guidelines for safe reopening and that needs to be their number one issue. You simply can’t force people back to work knowing there is a deadly virus around and ignore protocol.


Staff member
Contrary to what bbsam thinks, trial lawyers are some of the biggest backers of Democrats. They want to sue and make money.
I 100% believe that.
Doesn’t change the fact that rushing to open and make money can’t take the place of opening safely. Is that even in question?


Inordinately Right
Absolutely. Because companies have motives other than safety. The CDC has put forth guidelines for safe reopening and that needs to be their number one issue. You simply can’t force people back to work knowing there is a deadly virus around and ignore protocol.
No, strangleholding businesses is the goal.

Democrats are dead set on doing everything in their power to try and stop an economic recovery before the election.