And why would you bring up DACA? Where are all the deportations? Trump certainly doesn’t have the courage of his convictions.
I didn't, you specifically did however
The truth I understand is that every single president aims to use power they probably don’t have.
I simply noted one of your claims.
I did say, precisely that Trump has done nothing outside of his Constitutional authority.
Offer one instance.
I simply noted DACA based on the history.
Previously Obama claimed he did not have the authority, he was correct.
Later he circumvented the Constitution and asserted powers not granted to him and created DACA by executive order.
Donald John Trump, your president tried by executive order to wipe away Obama's executive order of DACA but was struck down by the court.
You asserted all presidents attempt to use powers they don't have. I said I didn't want to research all president's but noted Trump hadn't.
Your assertion led me to Obama's low hanging fruit, DACA, which Trump actually tried to rectify according to standing immigration law.
You opened the door, DACA was my dance partner, my proof of your statement pertaining to at least one former president, it took no research.
List one act, only one that Trump has effected outside of his Constitutional authority.
I'l await your response.