Its never been about caring about black people, or an actual threat of white supremacists. Thats just where the goal posts have been set. You are either for this, or for that sort of arena has been set. So if youre not for this, then you must be for that. When in reality, caring about black people OR tackling white supremacy isnt a part of either true agenda. Its just a manipulation tactic as always. It keeps people on wild goose chases for 11 hill billy white supremacists that dont do anything except sit around and talk about how much better they are than black ppl and at each others throats rather than paying attention to what the politicians are really doing.
But this requires a sense of self-honesty that many are too blinded by hatred to possess. Forgetting just in 4 years how Obama did nothing for the black community, how every democrat run city and state is an absolute shizzhole with roads that look like they were last maintained in the 1930s because the politicians are too busy pocketing funds and paying off friends to do work that they never do. This is why I adopted the Inherit Justice model of karma. Many people will shackle themselves and beg for you to throw away the key for them