President Trump


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
I saw betting odds on the "Hush money" case this morning at a casino in Chicago. Verdict reached -260, guilty -275, Hung Jury/Mistrial +1290 and Innocent+200. Place your bets .

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I saw betting odds on the "Hush money" case this morning at a casino in Chicago. Verdict reached -260, guilty -275, Hung Jury/Mistrial +1290 and Innocent+200. Place your bets .

There's no way an NYC jury unanimously agrees on not guilty. Hung jury is the best Trump can realistically hope for. I think Trump did what he's accused of because I don't like him and it sounds like something he would do. But I couldn't vote for a guilty verdict given the lack of actual evidence presented by the prosecution. That has to be the operating standard in a properly functioning justice system.

Maybe someone on the jury will hold themself to the same standard. Unlikely but possible.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Trump’s ratings are going up even more! This is great news for his re election. 🏆

Dems’ celebration is going to be shorter than when his mug shot came out..