President Trump


Well-Known Member
the Obama apologists will tell you that things always got better even if it was marginally so. there is some value in that argument its certainly better then an economy that is getting worse.

trump now has the opportunity to show us the benefits of a high octane economy.
It certainly got better for those who got premium healthcare without having to pay for it.


Well-Known Member
Job creation has slowed under Trump.

you realize that while you desperately try to diminish the economic results this past year that this economy is pretty darn exciting . the 401k is very happy with that stock market.

all you libs predicted economic chaos if trump was elected , instead its rolling along like never before with no visible stop.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
you realize that while you desperately try to diminish the economic results this past year that this economy is pretty darn exciting . the 401k is very happy with that stock market.

all you libs predicted economic chaos if trump was elected , instead its rolling along like never before with no visible stop.
Just stating facts.


golden ticket member
Yep, jobs recovered from a devastating recession. Pyrrhic victory. Now what matters is will jobs be created people can live on without working two of them?
OK, I had to look that one up. 'Pyrrhic victory'...Victory won at too great a cost.....named after Pyrrhus, a Greek king who invaded Italy and won a battle but with an enormous loss of life.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
OK, I had to look that one up. 'Pyrrhic victory'...Victory won at too great a cost.....named after Pyrrhus, a Greek king who invaded Italy and won a battle but with an enormous loss of life.
Ya, Van used it incorrectly. Bush tanked the worldwide economy. Obama brought it back.

El Correcto

god is dead
I like how Trump says he supports Iranian people’s rights to democracy.



Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm amazed that a few of you used the phrase 'Pyrrhic victory', and I'm even slightly more amazed that at least one or two of you took the time to look it up.

I'm not amazed that all of your examples don't qualify as 'Pyrrhic' victories.

Get thee to a Humanities class, heathens!


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm amazed that a few of you used the phrase 'Pyrrhic victory', and I'm even slightly more amazed that at least one or two of you took the time to look it up.

I'm not amazed that all of your examples don't qualify as 'Pyrrhic' victories.

Get thee to a Humanities class, heathens!

And a hat tip goes to @moreluck for doing the heavy lifting. Thank you @moreluck.