President Trump


Well-Known Member
Dear sweet 6-lb diapered baby Jesus, can any of you defend Trump on his merits, without invoking a Clinton or an Obama?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Alan Dershowitz Is Enjoying This

For some of them, his aggressive questioning of the legitimacy of the special counsel investigation into President Donald Trump was indefensible and unforgivable.

He said he believes political debate today has essentially degenerated into a fight over one question: Are you for or against Trump? “We live in a Red Sox/Yankees world,” he said. “And you have to pick a team.”

Q: During Vietnam, in the 1970s, you had thousands of people dying every month, a president who had so clearly broken the law. How is that somehow not as bad today? Because people seem to think today it’s worse.

A: With Trump it’s personal. His personal style is so confrontational. He provokes. He’s a brilliant politician, and let me tell you why. He is pushing Democrats to the left. Because extremism provokes extremism. And the Democrats can’t win from the left. They can only win from the center in a national election. So his fondest hope is that somebody from the left gets the nomination against him.

Q: You’re no stranger to defending people who are unpopular. Is this actually worse than when you defended O.J. Simpson?

A: Of course. Or Claus von Bulow or Leona Helmsley or Michael Milken or Mike Tyson. This is much worse than all that, because in those cases people were critical of me, but they were prepared to discuss it. They were prepared to have a dialogue. Here, the people that I’m objecting to want to stop the dialogue. They don’t want to have the conversation. It will upset people at the dinner party or on the porch. This is like safe spaces in colleges.

Q: The reaction to him is seen as such an overreaction at times.

A: And then he overreacts. Overreaction causes overreaction, which causes overreaction. And the parties split further and further apart, which is good for Trump. The more divided we are, the more his base comes to his support. These articles in The Times and The Globe may hurt me on Martha’s Vineyard, but they help Trump. If there’s one thing you quote me on, I want it to be that.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Alan Dershowitz Is Enjoying This

For some of them, his aggressive questioning of the legitimacy of the special counsel investigation into President Donald Trump was indefensible and unforgivable.

He said he believes political debate today has essentially degenerated into a fight over one question: Are you for or against Trump? “We live in a Red Sox/Yankees world,” he said. “And you have to pick a team.”

Q: During Vietnam, in the 1970s, you had thousands of people dying every month, a president who had so clearly broken the law. How is that somehow not as bad today? Because people seem to think today it’s worse.

A: With Trump it’s personal. His personal style is so confrontational. He provokes. He’s a brilliant politician, and let me tell you why. He is pushing Democrats to the left. Because extremism provokes extremism. And the Democrats can’t win from the left. They can only win from the center in a national election. So his fondest hope is that somebody from the left gets the nomination against him.

Q: You’re no stranger to defending people who are unpopular. Is this actually worse than when you defended O.J. Simpson?

A: Of course. Or Claus von Bulow or Leona Helmsley or Michael Milken or Mike Tyson. This is much worse than all that, because in those cases people were critical of me, but they were prepared to discuss it. They were prepared to have a dialogue. Here, the people that I’m objecting to want to stop the dialogue. They don’t want to have the conversation. It will upset people at the dinner party or on the porch. This is like safe spaces in colleges.

Q: The reaction to him is seen as such an overreaction at times.

A: And then he overreacts. Overreaction causes overreaction, which causes overreaction. And the parties split further and further apart, which is good for Trump. The more divided we are, the more his base comes to his support. These articles in The Times and The Globe may hurt me on Martha’s Vineyard, but they help Trump. If there’s one thing you quote me on, I want it to be that.
Very nice article and I agree with it 100%.
I use to like and respect Alan D when he backed Obama even though I disagreed with him.
The TDS* has gotten just plain silly and now the Main Stream Media has lost all its credibility ... if the MSM ever tries to go back to broadcasting news, they may not have any viewers.

Of course, @bbsam will say I am trying to smooze up to Cheryl through you but screw him! :happy:

*Trump Derangement Syndrome


Staff member
Very nice article and I agree with it 100%.
I use to like and respect Alan D when he backed Obama even though I disagreed with him.
The TDS* has gotten just plain silly and now the Main Stream Media has lost all its credibility ... if the MSM ever tries to go back to broadcasting news, they may not have any viewers.

Of course, @bbsam will say I am trying to smooze up to Cheryl through you but screw him! :happy:

*Trump Derangement Syndrome
We have hundreds of pages of posts on Obama. I bet you can’t find 10 where you defended him or any of his policies.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Very nice article and I agree with it 100%.
I use to like and respect Alan D when he backed Obama even though I disagreed with him.
The TDS* has gotten just plain silly and now the Main Stream Media has lost all its credibility ... if the MSM ever tries to go back to broadcasting news, they may not have any viewers.

Of course, @bbsam will say I am trying to smooze up to Cheryl through you but screw him! :happy:

*Trump Derangement Syndrome
TDS or Trump Derangement Syndrome was the motivation for posting the article.

Oh, and no amount of smoozing works for either one of us. Good behavior on the other hand.. :teethy: