So tell me, what with the quote do you disagree with? And don't infer what isn't there.
The part that I disagree with, is Carly fiorina saying the words. Young people in this country dont need someone to tell them to "get a job", thats just plain stupid and it goes along with common sense.
All young people understand that getting a job is the key to a better future, however, young people today understand that people like the RIGHT WING of this country wnat to keep all bottom end jobs below decent wages and without benefits. These jobs are all that available to them, and they have to compete with "imported" guest workers who will work for those low wages and zero benefits that the RIGHT WING of this country created.
Each year that passes, the right wing continues to PUSH for increase after increase of guest workers from foriegn countries, and this pushes out young americans from the workplace.
This "dog and pony" show by republicans ends up being nothing more than empty words.
Just yesterday, Rick Sanatorium, blabbered on and on about him standing with the american worker, yet, if you look at his voting record over his career, he has voted for every right wing bill that attacked middle class jobs, wages and pensions.
Further, he has voted or co sponsored bills that INCREASE "guest workers" and actually voted YES on a bill that allowed silicon valley corporations like Carly Fiorinas Hewlett Packard, to lay off americans and replace them with lower paid "guest workers" from india and pakistan.
The right wing could care less about the american worker, and if they did, and really wanted them to succeed, they would support increasing the minimum wage to $15.00.
OF course, we know that will never happen, but they will simply continue to say young people are too stupid and lazy to get a job.
They create the labor environment, then they get to complain about it.
Take a look at Rick Sanitoriums voting record ( in part )
I doubt you or anyone else on this board understands what an H2B worker is, but simply put, its a foriegner who gets to come here and make below what an american can make at a place of employment.)
Cosponsoring legislation to increase H-2B workers who are present in the U.S. at any one time in 2005-2006 Sen. Santorum is a cosponsor of S. 352, the Save Our Small and Seasonal Business Act of 2005, to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to limit the timing of issuance of H-2B visas during a fiscal year. Specifically, S. 352 would split the H-2B visa cap so no more than 33,000 visas are made available for the first six months the fiscal year, and another 33,000 visas would be available in the second half of the year. HOWEVER, S. 352 exempts from the annual cap aliens granted an H-2B visa within three years prior to approval of an H-2B petition, thus potentially
TRIPLING the number of H-2B workers in the United States at any one time. Although timing the issuance of H-2B visas is a common-sense approach that would help prevent the situation that occurred in FY 2004 and FY 2005 when the 66,000 annual cap on H-2B (low-skill) nonimmigrant visas was hit within the first quarter of the year, S. 352 would ultimately harm American workers by creating exemptions which potentially could triple the number of H-2B workers in the U.S. at any given time."
"Voted for a foreign worker bill with no anti-fraud measures in 2000. Sen.Santorum voted for S.2045, the Abraham foreign worker bill to
nearly triple the number of foreign high-tech workers. On the heels of the release of a GAO report finding no proof of a high-tech worker shortage and evidence of abuse in the H-1B program, Sen. Santorum voted for this foreign worker bill that contained no worker protections or anti-fraud measures. The bill passed the Senate 96-1.
"Voted to allow firms to lay off Americans to make room for foreign workers in 1998 Before the Senate passed the H-1B doubling bill (S.1723), Sen. Santorum had an opportunity to vote for a measure requiring U.S. firms to check a box on a form attesting that they had first sought an American worker for the job. Sen.
Santorum voted against that, joining those who said the requirement would give government too much authority over corporations’ right to hire whomever they please from whatever country."
"Voted on Senate floor in favor amendment to increase worker protections in 2006 Sen. Santorum voted in favor of the Cornyn amendment (SA 3965) to S. 2611, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 . The Cornyn amendment (submitted for himself and Sen. Grassley) would offer modest protections for American workers from being displaced by a foreign worker by prohibiting H-2C visas for employers unless they attest that they will employ an alien in the offered job position and DHS certifies that there are not sufficient U.S. workers who are able, willing, qualified, and available to fill the position. The Cornyn amendment passed by a vote of 50 to 48"
"Voted against killing amendment to prevent guestworkers from getting greencards in 2006 Sen. Santorum voted against a motion to table the Kyl amdendment (SA 3969) to S. 2611. The Kyl amendment would have removed provisions allowing guestworkers admitted under S. 2611 to adjust status to that of lawful permanent resident on the basis of their status as a guestworker. This would have prevented 200,000 guestworkers a year from gaining greencards, resulting in 2 million less greencards over a decade. The motion to table the Kyl amendment passed by a vote of 58 to 35, effectively killing the amendment."
CARLY FIORINA took advantage of all these bills to lay off AMERICAN WORKERS and replace them with Foriegn guest workers.
For her to make a quote like that, along with Rick Sanitorium saying he is "on the side of the american worker" is laughable at best.
You people who believe you are right wing republicans, dont have the first clue what the track record of republicans is on capitol hill. You want to be like them, bitch, complain but then ignore that you are a part of the problem and not the solution.