Presidential Debates 2016- The DRUMPF meltdown has begun..!


Well-Known Member
Last week’s presidential debate in St. Louis was only a few degrees removed from the Jerry Springer TV show—the angry row of women sexually abused or assaulted by Bill Clinton, the fuming Trump pacing the stage with a threatening posture, the sheeplike and carefully selected audience that provided the thin veneer of a democratic debate while four multimillionaires—Martha Raddatz, Anderson Cooper, Clinton and Trump—squabbled like spoiled schoolchildren. - hedges


Man of Great Wisdom
I was thinking Trump should get some anger management therapy. If his goal was to come off as an angry pompous ass he succeeded. The way he acted towards her certainly couldn't have helped the big problem he has with women voters.

The constant interruptions were funny at first, then they became annoying, and then they just made me uncomfortable.... had me wondering is no one going to stop this giant angry baby from lashing out everytime he hears something he doesn't like? Everyone just stood there and let him interrupt over and over. He had to have interrupted her mid sentence every other minute for almost 2 hours straight. It was exhausting.
Pre Koolaid?


Inordinately Right
Pre Koolaid?
Pre red pill.

I stand by most of that post though. I still don't understand why women vote for him, but they do.

And I do find the interrupting and constant breaking of debate rules super annoying. The Dimwits have been allowing it in their debates too, just interrupt whenever you want and go way over your time with every answer. Politicians don't play by the rules.


Engorged Member
I must have missed the campaign events where Ryan and McConnell campaigned with and promoted Trump. Could you post the links please?

Both disapproved of Trump during the campaign, but suddenly turned turtle when he was elected. Two scumbag politicians and one Orange Idiot.