Price's 6th District House Seat in Georgia - Dems look to pick up this seat


Well-Known Member
This narrative is absurd on its face. It ignores the fact that republicans spent an equal amount. It has been a reliable red district for 40 years and republicans had to spend $23 million to hold it by 3 points. The majority of people do want more of Obama blue sky, they just aren't properly represented. We'll see how Wisconsin shakes out at the SC where 40% of the vote got republicans 60% of the representation. You can pretend republicans have a mandate but it's not backed up by vote count.
And yet the Republicans have control of all those state legislatures, all those governorships, the Federal government. And you still think they don't have a mandate to govern? Wishful thinking. Y'all are trying everything in the book to prevent them carrying out the will of the majority. And you have to look at changing demographics too. Atlanta's metro area has grown exponentially with people from all over the country moving in. Stands to reason the Dems thought they had a very good chance to take it with all the Press hype, celebrity endorsements, money spent. One thing Southerners can't stand though is outsiders trying to tell them how to think. So they came out and supported Trump with a win.


Well-Known Member
Someone who lives in Tejas pretending to understand Southerners. Now that's funny!
I'm the product of folks from Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, and the bootheel of Missouri. Was born and raised in Florida when it was still a Southern state in more than geography. And East Texas is very southern.


Nine Lives
This narrative is absurd on its face. It ignores the fact that republicans spent an equal amount. It has been a reliable red district for 40 years and republicans had to spend $23 million to hold it by 3 points. The majority of people do want more of Obama blue sky, they just aren't properly represented. We'll see how Wisconsin shakes out at the SC where 40% of the vote got republicans 60% of the representation. You can pretend republicans have a mandate but it's not backed up by vote count.
Unfortunately, it was raining (no Obama blue sky) and most Dims don't own a car so that was an obstacle.
They could have ridden the bus or their bicycle but they elected not to.
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Well-Known Member
That's pretty much the story. It's a majority republican district so if republicans turn out they will win.

Now is what we call a participation trophy.

Tuesday AM - Georgia for the democratic win as we pick up momentum for a democratic turn around in 18.

Tuesday PM- what you expect after all they are all republican districts.

love the spin


Well-Known Member
While Drumpf is claiming to have built the Panama Canal. :rofl:

the difference being he could have where by most dems couldn't change a light bulb


Well-Known Member
Trump speech last night - "they spent close to 30 million on this kid , who forgot to live in the community he was running in".

perfectly phrased by the trumpster.