Progression question


So I called my local union rep and he said I will be on the old contract and nothing would change progression wise does anybody know any different??

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
So I called my local union rep and he said I will be on the old contract and nothing would change progression wise does anybody know any different??
According to my BA since we're working under an extension you'll be under three year progression, no increase in wage (Best of both worlds scenario). But you will get the 70 cent raise that will be backdated to Aug 1.

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
How do these guys think they will get the increased rates of the new contract, while under three year pro. of the old contract? I highly doubt that the machine will just give us the extra money because a select few new drivers want to beat the system.

Addison Feeder Driver

Well-Known Member
So you're saying of you were hired under the extension of the old contract you fall under the 3 year progression even though the new contract is retroactive to last August?

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Anonymous 12

Non active member
There is no bright side. The old contract is in effect, and I'm making very little money. Sure, I get a raise when the new contract goes in effect, but it's pennies. The second progression is 25cents higher than the old contract while everybody else has a $4 increase. It's a case of nobody giving a crap about drivers hired recently and seasonal and part timers soon to be full time.

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Once you get through the three years the money will role in.
New hires in my district are all starting at $25 hr, which is what the wage is at the 3 year mark of progression. I'm happy for them. But is this something that will haunt them later? Or just a lucky break? To skip the lower 3 year rates is significant to say the least!

Addison Feeder Driver

Well-Known Member
I've been full time almost a year and make $17.50 an hour. They owe me massive retro if the contract is going to be $25 start. I know they pay seasonal $23 to start and there was such an uproar about seasonal non union drivers making $6 more an hour than union full timers that the union got involved with raising full time pay.

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Well-Known Member
Addison you are in 710 correct? Who knows where we stand but maybe we will catch a break. I made seniority before August 1 ft PC driver. Was told originally I would be bumped up to 18.75 with retro pay but seems like I will be staying at lower rate and 3 year progression. I'd rather have the 3 year progression but seems funny to have 3 different pay scales for seasonals, new ft hires and those already in progression. Haven't heard a peep about where 710 stands besides they left table a few weeks back for a cooling off period.


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Well-Known Member
If you were in progression prior to Aug 1 2013. you will get the .70 cents. If that .70 cents puts you below the new rate you get the new rate. If the .70 cents puts you over the new rate you get the higher rate.


Well-Known Member
If you were in progression prior to Aug 1 2013. you will get the .70 cents. If that .70 cents puts you below the new rate you get the new rate. If the .70 cents puts you over the new rate you get the higher rate.

Really? That's sweet. I was under the impression that I would be under the previous rates AND progression. So in my situation I am at the 17.25 now and have been since seniority. Assuming 710 keeps the language verbatim I will get back pay of .70 cents putting my rate at 17.95 until I hit year and then go to 18.45 or whatever my progression under old contract is? Confusion

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Well-Known Member
No, you will go to $18.45 right away since thats the starting rate and you cant make any less then the new rate.


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No, you will go to $18.45 right away since thats the starting rate and you cant make any less then the new rate.

Quig, you ever feel like this is like that movie Groundhog Day...everytime you answer, it just repeats and you have to answer all over again? Lol


Well-Known Member
Just giving the wrong answer over and over does not make it right.

Please tell me what is wrong with this. By the way i didnt make this up its right out of the new contract.

Dont let the facts get in the way of your opinion.

2013 seventy cents ($0.70)
2014 seventy cents ($0.70)
2015 seventy cents ($0.70)
2016 eighty cents ($0.80)
2017 one dollar ($1.00)

Full-time employees still in progression on the effective date of this
Master Agreement shall receive the above contractual increases.
They will be paid no less than what they are entitled to in accordance
with Article 41, Section 2 below.
Twelve (12) months$19.50
Twenty-four (24) months
Thirty-six (36) months
Forty-eight (48) months
Top Rate


Well-Known Member
What exactly is wrong with my answer?

The last line of article 41 section 2 reads.

Article 41 Section 2(c) of the prior Agreement shall remain in effect for all employees in that progression as of the date of the ratification.

This keeps drivers in the 3 year progression and the rates that go with it.


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Just giving the wrong answer over and over does not make it right.

His answer has been the same for every one of the 4000 questions that keep getting asked. Those that ask on the internet could just wait til they get their retro, ask their HR, ask their center manager or better yet...use the search function til they come up with answer that they like.

Kudos, Quig for continuing to answer these questions!