Progression question...


I am a reg/temp and have been here over a year. I just checked my paystub and it shows my 1st year progression of .50 on my 'current rate' but does not show that increase on my regular rate or my saturday regular rate.

Shouldn't all my rates be increased by the .50?


I am a reg/temp and have been here over a year. I just checked my paystub and it shows my 1st year progression of .50 on my 'current rate' but does not show that increase on my regular rate or my saturday regular rate.

Shouldn't all my rates be increased by the .50?

Are you a Saturday air driver and work part time inside


I was hired as a reg/temp driver last Aug then after peak I went to preload for a 2-3 months or whatever it was and have been back driving since. I do not do preload anymore but I do drive Tue-Sat.