Union Power
Silent member
I'm not your "company".You are incorrect. The number one reason given when customers left UPS for other carriers were asked, was they were given a better price.
The number one reason for them returning, was service. UPS drivers are the best service providers in the industry,
hands down.
I leave open the possibility that present company is an exception.
It's not hate. It's experience without exaggeration.I was on a PAS deployment team for about 3 years. I can't remember how many routes I helped to trace and did the PAS 3 day implementation rides on. I never once heard of a requirement that every route deliver 30 resi stops before the first stop. If that is actually true in your center (and I really doubt that it is) then the folks that implemented your center were some really misguided individuals.
But it is clear that it really does not matter what I say. You are going to do nothing but demonize UPS management at every available opportunity no matter what you see or hear at this point. In the words of Col. Andy Tanner, "All that hate's gonna burn you up kid".
No matter what anyone else says you're going to call truth a lie when it pulls back the curtains on you management people.
We went from buying customers flowers for service failures (remember the video?) to the PAS failure that angered many customers in just a few months.
Fickle people.
One thing I do hate and that is how you know-it-alls blame the union work stoppage for your inability to reasonably bargain in 97.
It's a waste of time responding to your half truths.