Quandary......ON TOPIC

What would you do?

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Just telling it like it is
Has anyone ever asked 59 Dano what exactly he does? I will, Dano, you get a lot of hate here... may I ask where in the chain you are? Outsider, insider? Driver once? Pilot? Tell us who you are!

You are correct!
Once again Dano dodges the issue. Doesn't know how to answer a straight forwarded question. Typical Memphis moves, talk in circles, muddy the waters, beat around the bush, try to confuse subordinates, etc.

I'll bet MT3 is proud of his little shill.


of course you'd deny it.. or whoever you are. But then again, you seem to be a courier, and dano a manager. but who knows.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
You sure are being cagey.

You'd be surprised how often someone says, "What does policy say about [whatever]" and assumes that there's one answer that encompasses any and all circumstances. When asked about the circumstances, they tend to omit details that they don't think would help their cause.

It's like being asked, "I want a car. How much does a car cost?"

I'm talking about a SM telling FTers that if they work Saturdays (day off) that they will only going to be given two hours show up time, but Monday-Friday, four.

Can vary from one district to the next.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Sure, but as I've transferred more than most, I can assure you that it's not the same everywhere. The single biggest factor in a courier's job satisfaction IMO after his route is his manager. I wonder if you're the kind of mgr who likes to pick and pick? Likes to use his position to "friend" with people? You just strike me that way.

I only "friend" with people who beg for it.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Once again Dano dodges the issue. Doesn't know how to answer a straight forwarded question. Typical Memphis moves, talk in circles, muddy the waters, beat around the bush

That info is shared on and a need-to-know basis -- and you don't.

try to confuse subordinates, etc.

People like you are making that skill obsolete.
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