The non-UPSers in CS will reap the benefits of their negotiated contributions, just as UPSers will. UPSers in CS now get "benefitted" from non-UPSers as all contributions are pooled, which produces greater discounts from providers when those participants are steered into those networks. But this is a pay to play system, the levels of coverage are attained only by negotiated contribution levels from employers and in some cases employees in co premium status. CS has at least 4 different levels of coverage plans. UPS has agreed to contributions sufficient to purchase the best plan.
UPS's costs could be higher in total after five years than what would be spent in self funded claims. That is unknown.
As far as health care costs going down, I don't know. Unfortunately the for profit insurance industry heavily influenced the ACA and watered down provisions (the public option) that could have reduced costs. I do know the % of increase has slowed and that means the dollars negotiated should allow trustees to continue benefits as are present today. Choices in lifestyle lead to good health. If members make good choices, better health will follow.
It's funny that you use the term "pay to play", as this is exactly what 160,000 UPSer's like me will be doing for the first time in my 4 decades of employment.
I fully understand how this multi-employer healthcare fund will work and it isn't a good thing for us.
At least we now agree that non-UPS Teamsters benefit from this contract.
We, UPSer's, can do better and some of us
have for decades.
I'll tell you what, since we agree that UPS's position in the deal is "undetermined", I will give you 8-1 odds if you are willing to wager that UPS will spend more in their contribution to the C6 plan than they would if they continued to provide their present defined benefit under the company plan?
Are you really willing to wager on the possibility of improved "choices in lifestyle"?
Make that 18-1 odds.