The only people who have trouble on this site are simply the ones who can't respect other people.
Hey, I have trouble all the time and I respect people. Now where can I order socks?
Seriously though, there's 2 sections of this site I expect heated discussion. Union issues and current events. I've gotten into arguments in both, but I don't recall having any mods having to approach me or edits my posts for inappropriate things. Why? Because I won't take a website where I will likely never meet anyone that seriously that I get myself riled up to the point where I can't at least attempt to be civil. And here people talk about the younger generation as being uncivil and rude. If someone really rubs you the wrong way and you can't control yourself on an internet forum I'd hate to see how you guys are in real life.
Sure, I've taken jabs at people, but if someone actually asked me to quit who am I to not respect their wishes? Respect goes both ways, disagreeing views be damned. Sometimes those I don't agree with will have a point that makes me think differently and if I choose to shut them out or belittle them I'm only going to hurt myself in the long run.