Frankly, I'd have to load 600pph inorder to keep up with the flow for the two trucks I load on reload that get hit at the same time. No matter how many grievances are filed on my sup he still helps me which I like. We are understaffed and UPS doesn't want to hire at all. They push one person to do the job of two. Then management crys about wrap up time and misloads. Overworked underpaid. You can say all you want that people are lazy. If we were lazy we would not work there and get a job at walmart. Even a good worker gets ran down. Lets be honest the pay for pt sucks! If you work a day job your energy is drained by the time you clock in at UPS.
Why did you go into management? The reason is being hourly was too tough for you and you need an easier job. I am getting up there in my year and i guarantee you I can work circles around you. In 10 years if you are still their you will still be a unpromoted management personel thinking you are good when in reality life has pasted you by
I did one better got a bunch of drivers together we all signed a grievance saying we were an available resource and to be called in seniority order. The company told us to basically go stick it! Big surprise. Plan on taking this to National Arbitration doesn't look like Ups wants to budge. Meanwhile the grievances are piling up, I urge you all to do the same if we win and we should(you either pay dues or you dont) should stop sups from working..
"Sup worked over two hours. I grieved for four hours pay, as agreed in contract.
Got paid for only two hours because I didn't take the day off and travel to panel to represent myself.
If I raise a stink I'll probably lose any union protection.
Welcome to the new UPS."
Hi watchdog and thanks. I think I'm familiar enough with the contract/supplement to know I don't have to go to panel to represent myself over a pay claim. The notification lette also states I don't have to be present.
Problem is, the relationship between union and management seems to be stronger than it should. The wheeling and dealing happen. If I pursue this issue too much the union will certainly turn its back on me if and when something serious happens. And serious things can happen without my participation, trust me.
As much as it hurts to lie down and take this crap I may have to do it. The medical and other benefits of this job far outweigh the amount of $ I would make from the grievance. Wrong doings? Heck yes. Is BA working for the company instead of us hourlies? I believe so.
I'm sorry that our union has gotten so worthless, Steward. It is actually disheartening. I feel your pain. I just wish there was something that could be done. The election is rigged , in my opinion. Hoffa is a sissy. My grandfather is rolling in his grave, I swear!! I would love to have a one on one with ol' Hoffa. He would be crying.