Tell me again how this man (if your conspiracy were true) could POSSIBLY be elected to the highest office of our land, considering how much opposition there was against him from both Republican and Democratic circles, before he won the nomination?
The pubs couldn't find a smoking gun?
The Clinton camp couldn't find a smoking gun?
After he won the Democratic nomination, how many months elapsed for the 'truth' to come out?
This man makes it through not just one Presidential term, but gets reelected for a second term, and in all that time, no one can make a credible or falsifiable claim against the veracity of his citizenship?
Maybe that's because he's a citizen.
Explain to me how all this is possible.
Please explain to me why the Clintons who first brought up this claim , suddenly dropped it right after a delusional man walked into one of their campaign HQ and for no know reason killed the manager , who happened to be a personal friend of the Clinton's ?
That shooter was killed by the police .
Explain why Pelosi & the DNC signed two separate acknowledgements of his eligibility to run for president . I have never heard them doing that for anyone other .
Why did the Secret Service in 2007 , right after he announced his run , visit a bath house in Chicago and take away all the records & security tapes ?
Why were other members of his church suddenly reported murdered around the same time ?
How come a man who never seems to exercise , will not let any cameras see him playing golf , is always on camera stuffing his face with fatty foods stay so slim ?
Let me know . I want to make an infomercial for late night tv , I plan on making millions .