I know this thread is old, but I found it amusing. I agree with almost everything upstate say's. This next thing I'm going to say will probably get me slammed, but I stick by it. I do NOT agree that a pregnant woman should get a parking spot closer at the mall than a handicapped person. If she's pregnant, she needs the exercise, if she's that much pregnant, what the hell is at the mall she has to have? Years ago I could have gotten a handicapped sticker, but I refused it. If I could still walk, then there are others that need it more.
Women who THINK they look good without makeup when they DO NOT!
No offense Jennie, but WTF? Who are you to decide whether someone needs makeup or not? I'm glad Dilligaf goes without. To me, a woman that goes without makeup and doesn't care about what others think, shows an extremely confident person.