Two out of three people sleep on their sides, and they're about equally divided as to WHICH side. Of the remainder, slightly more sleep on their stomachs than sleep on their backs.
A survey finds that a quarter of all people who take a briefcase or something similar to work with them have got SOMETHING in it for self-defense.
As many as nine out of ten people are right-handed, and the word for that side, "right," is derived from a variety of sources, all of which suggest strength. Left, on the other hand, comes from the Old English, lyft, for useless, weak.
A 1997 Gallup poll found that about one in four American workers - 24 percent - said that if they could do so, they would fire their boss.
Half of all men start to lose their hair by the time they turn 30. Everybody loses dozens of hairs a day - the key thing is whether or not they grow back. More than 40 percent of men wind up with significant hair loss.
Most humans can guess someone's sex with 95 percent accuracy just by smelling their breath.
Two-thirds of men wear briefs, 22 percent wear boxers, and six percent don't wear underwear (I assume 6% did not answer).
Occasionally, hot dog sales at baseball stadiums exceed attendance, but typically, hot dog sales at ballparks average 80 percent of the attendance.
There are more telephones than people in Washington DC.
Two out of three adults in the United States have hemorrhoids.
Since the Lego Group began manufacturing blocks in 1949, more than 189 billion pieces in 2000 different shapes have been produced. This is enough for about 30 Lego pieces for every living person on Earth.
There are more Barbie dolls in Italy than there are Canadians in Canada.