Random Facts


nowhere special


golden ticket member
Today's surprise....
My doorbell rang about 10:30 this morning and I figured it was the lady next door coming over for coffee. I was so surprised when I opened the door and there stood my daughter and granddaughter from Vegas. I had no idea they were coming. Hubby did. The first words out of my mouth were....OMG my house is dirty!
So surprised!!


golden ticket member
What your dog knows about you.......

You may have cancer. Some of us are being taught to detect different types of cancer by smelling certain chemicals that cancer cells can emit.

In some studies, we were 88% accurate in detecting breast cancer and 99% accurate in detecting lung cancer.


golden ticket member
What your dog knows about you.........

You're a sucker for our puppy dog eyes. Researchers have found that your body releases the hormone oxytocin (the same chemical that's released when you look at your baby) when we make eye contact with you.

So there's a reason we gaze at you lovingly when we want something: It works.



golden ticket member
What your dog knows about you.......

You're bummed out. I am a master at reading your body language and emotional state.

One study found that I can tell if someone's sad simply by reading facial expressions (even if I'm looking at a photo of just half a face!).

I'm also more likely to approach someone who is crying than someone humming or talking, an indication of empathy.


golden ticket member
I was performing my musical act at an elementary school one day. The principal charged all the kids 25 cents each to impress upon them that art isn't free.

As the kindergartners filed in, one scowling little boy fixed me with a hard stare and said, "This had better be worth a quarter."

I can honestly say that was the most stressful gig I've ever played.

~Gerri Gribi~ Green Bay


golden ticket member
Facts that are false......

Oil stops stuck pasta....Nope, it'll only make it greasy. Stirring prevents sticking.

Water Rotation ..... A flushed toilet does not rotate the other way in the Southern Hemisphere. The Coriolis effect doesn't alter water in toilets.

Don't eat and swim ....This doesn't increase the risk of cramps; alcohol is the biggest risk increaser. But a full stomach will make you short of breath.

Napoleon was short ....A tall tale. At 5'6" he was slightly above average height for a Frenchman of the time.

Humans and dinosaurs .... Despite 41% of U.S. adults thinking we coexisted, we actually missed each other by 64 million years.


golden ticket member
So called facts that are false...

Black Holes - Not really 'holes', but rather hugely dense objects with massive gravitational pull.

Only 5 senses - Some scientists insist on 21, including balance, pain and temperature.

Only 10% of the brain is used - The proportion of the brain "firing" at any one time is task dependent, but ultimately, every region is used almost every day.

Different tongue parts - There are not different sections of the tongue for each taste: bitter, sour, salty, sweet and umami (savory/meaty).

Missing Person's Report - Police don't require a 24-hr waiting period before accepting a missing-person report.