Random Facts


golden ticket member
. If you somehow found a way to extract all of the gold from the bubbling core of our lovely little planet, you would be able to cover all of the land in a layer of gold up to your knees.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
I got all of my 'specialty' Christmas cards yesterday. 'Specialty' cards are ones that say daughter or husband or son etc. etc. I put gift cards inside......no more shipping charges, just postage. Another thing I can check off my list.


Well-Known Member
“Mad as a hatter” phrase came about long before Alice in Wonderland. Mercury was used in felt hat production which would eventually cause the hatter to go a lil nutso.


golden ticket member
If I wanted to be a hobo for Halloween I would use charcoal to put some black on my face.....it's called dirt. If I was a football player I would use the same charcoal to put black streaks under my eyes. This politically correct crap goes too far!!!
If I wanted to be Uncle Remus for Halloween I would not do it as a white woman with blonde hair. Even Heidi Klum did Fiona and no one is complaining about her being green-faced. If I was more of a "Sheldon" I may want to be George Washington Carver.....need a black face for that.
So glad I'm not a kid these days!!