RAP Religious Accommodation Process,anyone used it?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Not everyone is the same.
Go comb your beard and stop being a company man
Lmao every one of these people is basically saying they have more important or more fun things to do on the weekends than worship god.

These people can go all of the Wednesday worship they want. It isn’t gonna help them get into heaven. Not when they are choosing going to the cabin or volleyball tourneys over worship
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Staff member
I don't care if the company lets this guy off early on Wednesday or whenever for his religious stuff, because once that has been established they will have to let me go home early on the days I need to just chill out and get my head together for a few hours. That's generally on a Friday.


Well-Known Member
I really don’t care about those who choose to be keyboard warrior. I filter out the reasonable and civil responses, the rest I try not honor them with response


Well-Known Member
I don't care if the company lets this guy off early on Wednesday or whenever for his religious stuff, because once that has been established they will have to let me go home early on the days I need to just chill out and get my head together for a few hours. That's generally on a Friday.
I mean, realistically there's a whole plethora of religions and areas of worship. I'm sure if you research hard enough, you can find one that celebrates the mass of nothing at the time of your choosing on the day you wish - a tailor made excuse church that exists strictly for the exploitation of this loophole in contracts. Probably started by a lawyer.

There's a weed church, too. Smoke that dosia all day long cruising through the stops, but the key is you gotta call it chalice, and say the word constantly at work. Make sure your steward hears the word ringing in his ears when lays his head down for the night. At the PCM, when the sup yells out, "alright 9 o'clock" and is about to start the rundown - take one step forward, place your hands together and bow, and calmly say, "chalice". Everyday. Everyone is aware of your preoccupation with this word, and it's meaning - they reason that you meditate before work to center yourself. For a while.

But when inevitably UPS says the truck smells like Snoop Dogg's breath and pops a drug test on you, tell them you're a recognized member of The Weed Church, and they are now in violation of your religious freedom. You should also have a medicinal marijuana card if you're in a state where this is legal and there are dispensaries. It never hurts to have the science on your side, in addition to the spirituality.


You say, my job or we dance. Mark Geragos is on speed dial. Religious accommodation.

G.V. Rush

All Encompassing Member
wondering if anyone has used it and to what results. Just looking for one day in the week of 20% reduction in stop count so I can be at the church. Realizing the nature of this work I know There will be times this will not be possible. I could use 8rs request but it’s only twice a month. Looking to hear from anyone who used this option and what was the management and Human Resource response. Thanks
There is a driver 10+ years of service who recently used RAP to have a beard. So there’s that

Frankie's Friend

I dunno about anyone else here, but I set my truck up and check for misloads on the road, and while I'm being paid to do so. I do no work off the clock. I wouldn't even clean my mirrors before I was on their dime.

If you do, you're only screwing yourself, and others you work with. Period. Plus you're taking the chance at being disciplined for working off the clock, which as I've already mentioned, people have lost their jobs for. If you hurt your back arranging that truck before start time, are you gonna lie and wait to pretend it happened on the road/clock and if you dont, do you think management will not nail your ass to the cross for it.(put that in terms you might understand)

So you come in and work off the clock too.

If I read his second post about sorting the truck that you are responding to he said he doesnt load the truck, taking away time from the loader, but he does sort it on the clock. He compared the fact that other drivers clock in and load to him only sorting what was loaded.

@born2Bwild , is this a correct analogy?

Maple Grove MN Driver

Cocaine Mang!
Lmao every one of these people is basically saying they have more important or more fun things to do on the weekends than worship god.

These people can go all of the Wednesday worship they want. It isn’t gonna help them get into heaven. Not when they are choosing going to the cabin or volleyball tourneys over worship
Heaven and hell don't exist so it really doesn't matter

Frankie's Friend

Who said he'd get the two 8 hr requests granted twice a month on wednesdays? Our language says that you cant get the same day of the week reduced on a continuous basis.

@born2Bwild , submit the paperwork and get back to us on how it worked out. Other upsers would like to know.

After reading the rest of the responses that are abusive and disrespectful just pick up the pearls and walk on.

It doesnt smell like @LarryBird 's pot. It smells like goats and swine in here.

Maple Grove MN Driver

Cocaine Mang!
Who said he'd get the two 8 hr requests granted twice a month on wednesdays? Our language says that you cant get the same day of the week reduced on a continuous basis.

@born2Bwild , submit the paperwork and get back to us on how it worked out. Other upsers would like to know.

After reading the rest of the responses that are abusive and disrespectful just pick up the pearls and walk on.

It doesnt smell like @LarryBird 's pot. It smells like goats and swine in here.

A Judgemental Christian......impossible!


Just a turd
Did you not know the hours involved when you took the job?
giphy (15).gif

Frankie's Friend

Did you not know the hours involved when you took the job?
When I was hired we were predominenty off the clock by 18:30 and started at 8:30 or earlier.
Our volume has doubled and we have only increased the drivers manning by 10%.
Things change.


Well-Known Member
I bet the thread starter is all bout religion this and that but if you look at his receipts he doesn't shell out 100-200 tithe every week to his church.


Well-Known Member
I bet the thread starter is all bout religion this and that but if you look at his receipts he doesn't shell out 100-200 tithe every week to his church.
Yeah, I alluded to this earlier, as well. I'd also be curious to know if he puts his money where his mouth is, or if he thinks hitting the Christian activity meeting midweek makes up for only throwing God 2% of his gross earnings, instead of the suggested 10%(minimum).