Read the IRB report on R.A


Well-Known Member
more VP's are gonna fall victim to greed,......



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Go the IRB Website, or its on tdu website, interesting 122 pages of deal making and lies, and abuse of power,.... using strong arm tactics, his influence to help a family member, who btw was a criminal,.....Taking Hof and other V.P's,...K. ***** was one of them, on two Eurepeon Golf trips,... I think more VP's are gonna fall when this all comes to a head,...

View attachment 69551
They are all crooks.

Throw H and all his other crooks to the curb.


Well-Known Member
You have no knowledge of US history.

Lincoln was ridiculed and attacked by the media relentlessly.

10 times what today's candidates go through.
What did that have to do with media? Let me explain. It is based on a common illustration showing the evolution of man from monkeys to homo sapiens in reverse order demonstrating the regression of the mental abilities of Republicans from the greats, Lincoln and Teddy, down to the current crop where Trump is leading the polls.


Well-Known Member
I'm hearing there was more than four that went on those two Eurepeon Golf trips,.... Can't wait to hear the full details on that,... And if they used one nickel of the members money,....throw them out!!!

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