REAL gop debate: has the gop lost touch with reality?


Staff member
The question is rigged, either way she answers can be twisted.

Is the self interested vote unpatriotic?

My reply to the request for me to sacrifice is with the question, what are YOU sacrificing? Self interest? Maybe, but it is my responsibility to look after me.
Is sacrifice to the nation also a n individual responsibility?
They hold them in the same building on the same day, you tell'em which primary you're voting in and they point you in the right direction and check your name off the list. Technically according to Virginia's voting law you can vote in both primaries if they are held on different days. Neither party wants you to do that, so they set it up so you can't.

It's good that they work to prevent the cross voting. The reason I voted in the democrat primary was because I didn't want there to be a chance for zer0bama to be president, at the time I would have preferred Billery over him.


Staff member
It's good that they work to prevent the cross voting. The reason I voted in the democrat primary was because I didn't want there to be a chance for zer0bama to be president, at the time I would have preferred Billery over him.
Haha, I voted for Hillary too. Not because I liked her any better than Obama, but Ms Jones called in a marker. The things I do for love....
Is sacrifice to the nation also a n individual responsibility?
Not necessarily, just because a politician asks us to sacrifice does not mean that sacrifice is actually good for the nation. Some people believe that the act of voting is an individual responsibility to the nation, others do not agree.


Well-Known Member
I describe myself as an Independent too, I used to vote Democrat. Both partys have changed, and both for the worse. Too bad that we don't currently have a party that truly represents the majority of Americans. The last two decades I feel like I have to hold my nose every time I step into the voting place and vote for the lesser of two evils. I would like to see a viable third party start up and the career politicians voted out of office.

If customers continue to buy the same defective product regardless of price or how much the product fails or breaks down, where is the incentive on the producer to change the product to make it better? Think of your vote as money and politicians as products or services and then ask yourself would you buy or save your money?

Maybe some of us are ahead of the curve and have stopped buying lemons!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
and if a candidate asks you to sacrifice? Does that constitute "hurting you"? Or is the reply that YOU sacrifice enough already? Is the self interested vote a patriotic vote?
Yes I sacrifice enough already. I work ervery day for those who cannot or will not. The country takes in enough money. They need to learn how to manage it.

yes, the self interest vote can be a patriotic vote. What I feel is best for me Is what I feel is best for the country.


Nine Lives
Yes I sacrifice enough already. I work every day for those who cannot or will not. The country takes in enough money. They need to learn how to manage it.

yes, the self interest vote can be a patriotic vote. What I feel is best for me Is what I feel is best for the country.

I think this is the key to the middle of the road loyal Democrats have with the Obama reign.

I spent some time talking to a longtime hard core Democrat yesterday that is well into the upper 1% (paid over $1 million in taxes last year) and he is very disappointed in Obama because of his ineffective use of government funds.
He also mentioned very emphatically that he expected Obama to bring everyone together to try and address the country's problems. He thinks Obama is a very poor lead and is a very divisive person that is driving the country apart.
He said he voted for Obama in 2008 ... he did not volunteer about 2012.
One area that we strongly agreed upon is that the government has to learn control its spending and deficit.
I think this is the key to the middle of the road loyal Democrats have with the Obama reign.

I spent some time talking to a longtime hard core Democrat yesterday that is well into the upper 1% (paid over $1 million in taxes last year) and he is very disappointed in Obama because of his ineffective use of government funds.
He also mentioned very emphatically that he expected Obama to bring everyone together to try and address the country's problems. He thinks Obama is a very poor lead and is a very divisive person that is driving the country apart.
He said he voted for Obama in 2008 ... he did not volunteer about 2012.
One area that we strongly agreed upon is that the government has to learn control its spending and deficit.

I will agree strongly with this statement as well. I will also suggest we may need to accept some tax increases as well. We also need desperately to fix out broken tax codes and eliminate many loop holes. IMO, spending control in number one on the list.


golden ticket member
In the simplest terms......we spend 4 and only take in 2 . Every household will fall with that formula. So will the country. Obama doesn't seem to mind and plays b-ball and golf and tells everyone else to get to work while he travels.


Well-Known Member
In the simplest terms......we spend 4 and only take in 2 . Every household will fall with that formula. So will the country. Obama doesn't seem to mind and plays b-ball and golf and tells everyone else to get to work while he travels.

As long as Repubs insist on protecting the huge budget busting tax cuts for the well off, the debt will continue to increase. As long as repubs continue to protect the military industrial complex, the debt will continue to increase. As long as repubs insist on protecting the breaks and subsidies of the rich and powerful (the 1%) , the debt will continue to increase.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
As long as Repubs insist on protecting the huge budget busting tax cuts for the well off, the debt will continue to increase. As long as repubs continue to protect the military industrial complex, the debt will continue to increase. As long as repubs insist on protecting the breaks and subsidies of the rich and powerful (the 1%) , the debt will continue to increase.

As long as the dems (and the Messiah) keep spending money like a drunken sailor (sorry Navy) the debt will continue to increase. As long as the dems keeps bailing out the idiots and lazy leaches then the debt will continue to increase. As longs as the dems continue to throw good money at bad (like Solyndra) then the debt will continue to increase. As long as the dems help all their rich buddies then the debt will continue to increase. As long hell, i could go on forever.


Nine Lives
As long as Repubs insist on protecting:
1) the huge budget busting tax cuts for the well off, the debt will continue to increase.
2) As long as repubs continue to protect the military industrial complex, the debt will continue to increase.
3)As long as repubs insist on protecting the breaks and subsidies of the rich and powerful (the 1%) , the debt will continue to increase.

As long as Congress and the President continue to spend and, especially waste tax income, at the level they are spending right now, the debt will continue to accumulate. That is the real issue.

1) The amounts are unfortunately very small compared to the annual National government budget.
2) Totally agree there, it should be no more than 50% of what it is now.
3) Pretty much the same as #1.

I know these are very emotional points for you and others but the numbers just don't work. That is the fundamental problem the country has to make. The country is unfortunately is a complete mess that is going to take cuts in the National government expenditures and increase in taxes and ... and this is the 800 pound gorilla sitting in the way ... an increase in the GDP and economy.

How do we get the 800 pound gorilla moving and out of our way?

The president and the Congress have to change the business environment so that the big evil Corporations starting investing in their business again and hiring people to create the goods and services.
The other current issue that is hampering a US economy recovery is that it is cheaper to create goods and provide services in other countries than it is in the USA.

What it takes to change the anti-business environment and clear up the regulatory morass is where all the fun is! Carry on.


Well-Known Member
As long as Congress and the President continue to spend and, especially waste tax income, at the level they are spending right now, the debt will continue to accumulate. That is the real issue.

1) The amounts are unfortunately very small compared to the annual National government budget.
2) Totally agree there, it should be no more than 50% of what it is now.
3) Pretty much the same as #1.

I know these are very emotional points for you and others but the numbers just don't work. That is the fundamental problem the country has to make. The country is unfortunately is a complete mess that is going to take cuts in the National government expenditures and increase in taxes and ... and this is the 800 pound gorilla sitting in the way ... an increase in the GDP and economy.

How do we get the 800 pound gorilla moving and out of our way?

The president and the Congress have to change the business environment so that the big evil Corporations starting investing in their business again and hiring people to create the goods and services.
The other current issue that is hampering a US economy recovery is that it is cheaper to create goods and provide services in other countries than it is in the USA.

What it takes to change the anti-business environment and clear up the regulatory morass is where all the fun is! Carry on.

Tax rates have never been lower and after de regulation for the past 30 yrs, regulations on businesses are lower than ever. What else does the private sector need. I mean Obama agreed to continuing Bush's tax cuts on the well off,etc . How much did that help?? It is obvious tax cuts dont work to stimulate an economy. This economic turn down is going to take a very long time to recover from. We have lost millions of jobs which might take another 10 yrs just to get back to where we were in Dec 2007!! It is the obligation of GOVERNMENT to be the spender of last resort. Corporate america is still sitting on trillions in profits but none is TRICKLING down. Cutting any short term spending only lengthens this economic weakness. Companies do not just invest and hire people out of nowhere. It is us , the consumers, who create the jobs when we open our wallets. A business will not invest without enough demand to cause it to order more goods or hire more people!! But supply siders still want to sell this falacy that businesses do it on their own. And when you insist on more CUTS you are throwing more people out of work who will no longer be able to consume to stimulate the economy. It is a vicious cycle but some people just dont get it!!


Well-Known Member
"...............regulations on businesses are lower than ever............" (804)

Obama passed over 4000 regulations in August 2011.....none of them were on business?? I don't know the answer, but I find it hard to believe that some of them weren't for business.

4200 New Regulations in Obama Pipeline- so far - Bob Beauprez - Townhall Finance

Are you trying to say that after what Wall st did to our economy, there should be less regulations on finance and banking?? Remember I wrote "over the past 30 yrs of de regulating the economy"
Obama Has Approved Fewer Regulations Than Bush Up To This Point, Analysis Finds


golden ticket member
Are you trying to say that after what Wall st did to our economy, there should be less regulations on finance and banking?? Remember I wrote "over the past 30 yrs of de regulating the economy"
Obama Has Approved Fewer Regulations Than Bush Up To This Point, Analysis Finds
I'm talking about the regulations that tie the hands of businesses and sends them packing out of this country. Wall Street is one aspect of businesses

my favorite line from the article I posted was....
........."But, then should we have expected anything different from the Administration that the Wall Street Journal says has "turned a regulatory firehose" on American business?"..............
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