So you trying to say that at all white males are brutal beasts ?So you are now making up numbers that you cannot prove? Just face it , a white male is more likely to commit rape than any other race. White males have a history of raping and pillaging for thousands of years.
Yes sir.So you trying to say that at all white males are brutal beasts ?
And all other races are white man's victims ?
What about countries that have no white men ?
How are you going to justify their crime rates ?
For 2013 (the most recent year available), it shows that whites accounted for 71 percent of all sexual assaults documented (above their total percentage of 63 percent of the U.S. population), while Latinos accounted for 9 percent, far below their total percentage of 17 percent. And as a percentage of all “serious violent victimizations,” sexual assaults represent 11 percent of the violent crimes against Latinos. For gabachos? 18 percent. The BJS also noted that for the period from 2005-2010 about 66 percent of sexual assualt victims knew their perp, and that whites had strangers commit violent victimizations against them at a rate of 9.2 per 1,000 people, compared to 9.8 per 1,000 for Latinos—so much for the notion of an army of faceless Mexicans stalking their fair-skinned prey.
For those who don’t comprende: white American citizens are far more rape-y than Mexicans can ever hope to become. Yet the lies about hordes of Mexican rapists perpetuated by Trump, Coulter and Schumer and so many others persist because they’re just engaging in good ol’ American paranoia about purity and the perpetual menace south of the border.
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For 2013 (the most recent year available), it shows that whites accounted for 71 percent of all sexual assaults documented (above their total percentage of 63 percent of the U.S. population), while Latinos accounted for 9 percent, far below their total percentage of 17 percent. And as a percentage of all “serious violent victimizations,” sexual assaults represent 11 percent of the violent crimes against Latinos. For gabachos? 18 percent. The BJS also noted that for the period from 2005-2010 about 66 percent of sexual assualt victims knew their perp, and that whites had strangers commit violent victimizations against them at a rate of 9.2 per 1,000 people, compared to 9.8 per 1,000 for Latinos—so much for the notion of an army of faceless Mexicans stalking their fair-skinned prey.
For those who don’t comprende: white American citizens are far more rape-y than Mexicans can ever hope to become. Yet the lies about hordes of Mexican rapists perpetuated by Trump, Coulter and Schumer and so many others persist because they’re just engaging in good ol’ American paranoia about purity and the perpetual menace south of the border.
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You better start taking Spanish classes Baba.Here's a video that will make tears of joy stream down TOS' face .
So you trying to say that at all white males are brutal beasts ?
And all other races are white man's victims ?
What about countries that have no white men ?
How are you going to justify their crime rates ?
Here's a video that will make tears of joy stream down TOS' face .
The future of America belongs to the minority classes and whites will be the minority across this country in the next 50 years. The days of a white president have maybe 25 years left, then it will be minorities and women holding the office.
The cesspool of degenerates began when the European set foot on this continent.....and our once beautiful America will become a stinking cesspool of degenerates who feel entitled to force themselves and their values and beliefs on everyone around them.
Thanks TOS......We're sure you'll be leading the charge.
How many refugees has the HOA allowed to move into your gated community?
I didn't think so........
The cesspool of degenerates began when the African set foot on this continent.
How about all of the news media in this country and Europe.source or gtfo
Congratulations on just becoming BC's biggest liberal racist.The cesspool of degenerates began when the European set foot on this continent.
The future of America belongs to the minority classes and whites will be the minority across this country in the next 50 years. The days of a white president have maybe 25 years left, then it will be minorities and women holding the office.
TOS is and forever will be the most anti-white poster ever seen here .Congratulations on just becoming BC's biggest liberal racist.
You must be proud of the venom and hatred you spew toward white people?
fixed it for you