Regulate oil speculators


They are going to limit the way its done not the price. people are manipulating it and thats when you need regulation because its too important a comodity for a few weasles to get rich off of while it destroys the worlds economy.

wishful thinking . the best thing the government can do for us is get out of our way.
We have become pathetic as a people, wanting the government to fix all our problems. We need to fix the government.
Sure oil prices are high, still cheaper than milk though!
Our public servants have gotten to the point where instead of them benefiting the citizens, they benefit themselves at our expense.
So when they REGULATE the trades, it will take a couple of days to find a new way to beat the regulation. We need less government intervention in our lives, not more. What sounds good today, won't in a few weeks. Look at how big the "Energy Department" has become and ask yourselves what have they done for me? They eat up your tax dollars!! Nothing more.


Well-Known Member
I would like to see us using some of that oil we got in the rocky mountains that's hard to get at. Its in the rocks and expensive to extract.

Then you have supported the wrong man for President. Obama and the people he has appointed to positions in the department of energy, department of interior, and the EPA are doing everything in their power to regulate oil drilling right out of this country. As regulations make drilling more expensive the first places where exploration and drilling will stop are in areas like you mentioned where its already difficult to find and extract. As the cost gets higher fewer companies will find it worth their while to even try to get the oil that they know is there.