Reinstate Lead Bellys account

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Well-Known Member
I never said I didn't know it could be considered that. We are on a chat forum no one is black or white here. I was downtown in the inner city this morning. I went to a grocery store. Was waited on my two African Americans. I was buying some Reesie cups because I got into the Halloween candy and I wanted to replace it before she found out. The cashier a woman joked when I wiped out my cash that I was going to tip her. I said I'll give you a tip if you want. She laughed. I tiled her and the guy that bagged to chocolate treats for me. I said take care brother. This might be construed as a racist thing to say by you as well. That's where this discussion came from. The man took the tip and said thanks brother and I went on my way. Just two men and a woman. You brought it into this. I always maintained that we were in an Internet chat forum. No colors in here.

If you piss me off on here and I call you son or boy it should have nothing to do with that. You are just a fictional character on here.
Who the hell carries cash anymore...???


You could have very easily ended up like your pops but you didn't take that road and are a wonderful husband and father for your kiddos... You should be proud of that. Although I will bet you will agree with me that none of this family stuff works as well as it does without a strong mother and wife... My wife makes it happen day in and day out and IS the glue that holds my family together !!


You could have very easily ended up like your pops but you didn't take that road and are a wonderful husband and father for your kiddos... You should be proud of that. Although I will bet you will agree with me that none of this family stuff works as well as it does without a strong mother and wife... My wife makes it happen day in and day out and IS the glue that holds my family together !!
Thanks for your kind words. I think you are a good man as well. Thank you brother. The


Well-Known Member
I like those airline miles... My wife is obsessed with paying off the balance every month...we have gone on several trips the four of us , and the flights were free, just had to cover a few bucks in taxes....

My son recently traveled from Iowa to Virginia for a wedding. The flight and rental car were all covered by his miles.
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