Well-Known Member
Who the hell carries cash anymore...???I never said I didn't know it could be considered that. We are on a chat forum no one is black or white here. I was downtown in the inner city this morning. I went to a grocery store. Was waited on my two African Americans. I was buying some Reesie cups because I got into the Halloween candy and I wanted to replace it before she found out. The cashier a woman joked when I wiped out my cash that I was going to tip her. I said I'll give you a tip if you want. She laughed. I tiled her and the guy that bagged to chocolate treats for me. I said take care brother. This might be construed as a racist thing to say by you as well. That's where this discussion came from. The man took the tip and said thanks brother and I went on my way. Just two men and a woman. You brought it into this. I always maintained that we were in an Internet chat forum. No colors in here.
If you piss me off on here and I call you son or boy it should have nothing to do with that. You are just a fictional character on here.