Religion and Faith. Are they the same or are they different?


Nine Lives
No offence to you Joyce ,but what a load of BS.
Very God of very God?
WTF is that? Let's get real.

The purpose of the Nicene Creed was to unify the beliefs of the early Christian church mostly for political reasons foreseen by Constantinople but also to officially dispell the teachings of the Gnostics. The Nicene Council was authorized by the Roman Emperor so that all the dysfunctional infighting within the Christian religion could be resolved and a Unified Orthodox (Catholic) church would emerge.
The Romans valued consistency and orhodoxy in all things they did.


Well-Known Member
I use the "P e :censored2: a" which was translated idiomatically by people in the Mid-East who understood the sayings in the Bible.

For example, "camel" is a localized term for rope which makes the saying, " It is easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle ..." more sensible.

I have read the KJV, the American Standardized and the Peshi-ta versions and the Pes-hita has more appeal to me.
Outside of the "P e :censored2: a" I usually rely on the red-lined words of Jesus especially as determined by the Jesus Seminar.

Note: I had to use hyphens when spelling P e :censored2: a since the auto-censor did dot like s-h-i-t within the word.

Those folks at JS and continuing at the Westar Institute have done a lot of great work in scholarship.


Bad Moon Risen'
I use the "P e :censored2: a" which was translated idiomatically by people in the Mid-East who understood the sayings in the Bible.

For example, "camel" is a localized term for rope which makes the saying, " It is easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle ..." more sensible.

I have read the KJV, the American Standardized and the Peshi-ta versions and the Pes-hita has more appeal to me.
Outside of the "P e :censored2: a" I usually rely on the red-lined words of Jesus especially as determined by the Jesus Seminar.

Note: I had to use hyphens when spelling P e :censored2: a since the auto-censor did dot like s-h-i-t within the word.
Nothing like a big pile of s h i i takes sitting next to my new york strip fresh off the grill.
Note to self: run to the Big Save before dinner.
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Pees in the brown Koolaid
Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell.

Faith is for people who have already been there and made it back.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
One problem I have with the Bible is that all the gospels within it were written by men for men and ultimately selected for inclusion by men.

It is not logical to me that a God who created the entire universe and all the wonders within it would demand that half of the human population be relegated to a role of subservience and irrelevance simly by virtue of the fact that they have boobs.

serenity now

God's Grace is like grits * you didn't ask for it; you don't deserve it * it just comes on the plate with everything else * you can enjoy it, or push it aside *


Staff member
Faith just means believing something without any evidence (or even in spite of evidence to the contrary). Religion requires faith which is why all successful religions proclaim faith as a virtue, but faith doesn't require religion.


golden ticket member
God's Grace is like grits * you didn't ask for it; you don't deserve it * it just comes on the plate with everything else * you can enjoy it, or push it aside *
That's like avacados in CA.......they are on everything and I push them out of the way. Don't want them on my omelet, burger or steak!!


Nine Lives
One problem I have with the Bible is that all the gospels within it were written by men for men and ultimately selected for inclusion by men.

It is not logical to me that a God who created the entire universe and all the wonders within it would demand that half of the human population be relegated to a role of subservience and irrelevance simly by virtue of the fact that they have boobs.

You have nipples too and they are close to your boobs.
Jesus did not teach the subservience of women to men.


Nine Lives
Faith just means believing something without any evidence (or even in spite of evidence to the contrary). Religion requires faith which is why all successful religions proclaim faith as a virtue, but faith doesn't require religion.

Like faith in the Teamster's management?


Senior Member
Back to the original question;
Religion and Faith, are they the same?
No, they are not.
An analogy,
religion is the 401k, faith is what you invest inside the parameter.
I would suggest that all read the Torah, then the Old Testament-( the revised Torah)-,
then the Protestant version of the New Testament-(the revised addition of the Catholic version)-,
then the Catholic version of the New Testament.
then read the Apocryphal's;
The Dead Sea Scrolls,
The Nag Hammadi.
Ignore the Qur'an.

No matter what anyone believes, there can only be one truth.



Staff member
Back to the original question;
Religion and Faith, are they the same?
No, they are not.
An analogy,
religion is the 401k, faith is what you invest inside the parameter.
I would suggest that all read the Torah, then the Old Testament-( the revised Torah)-,
then the Protestant version of the New Testament-(the revised addition of the Catholic version)-,
then the Catholic version of the New Testament.
then read the Apocryphal's;
The Dead Sea Scrolls,
The Nag Hammadi.
Ignore the Qur'an.

No matter what anyone believes, there can only be one truth.

If there can be only one truth, is it possible for one mortal to fully know and comprehend the one truth and all its implications for mankind?


Senior Member
If there can be only one truth, is it possible for one mortal to fully know and comprehend the one truth and all its implications for mankind?
No one mortal I have ever met, or read about.
Zoroaster founded the first recorded monotheists
belief system that we call a religion.


Well-Known Member

Zoroaster founded the first recorded monotheists
belief system that we call a religion.

There is growing debate to the accuracy that Zoroaster was the father of monotheism so to speak. Enter Egypt, Amenhotep IV otherwise known and Akhenaten of the 18th dynasty. There is a school of thought that western monotheism in the Abrahamic traditions may be more related to Egypt than Persia. Zoroaster has been dated anywhere from 16 century to 6th century BCE whereas Akhenaten was 13th century BCE. With Akhenaten on the ground in the same area, much of his center of power overlay what is called the Land of Goshen, and at the same time as the alleged Israelite captivity, seems reasonable if one asserts an influence. Some have even asserted that Moses either grew up in the family of Akhenaten or was Akhenaten.

I'm sure the debate will continue.


Well-Known Member
If there can be only one truth, is it possible for one mortal to fully know and comprehend the one truth and all its implications for mankind?

The average American annually watches between 700 and 1000 hours of TV, between 2 and 3 hours daily. I'll just leave it right there.