So I watch the debate last night and it had one common theme as they all have this year. DONT ANSWER A SINGLE QUESTION directly!
Except for Ron Paul. That guy, well I give him the most credit. He's says it like it is. He is an equal opportunity offender, and I kinda see a little of myself in him.
The others, same ole nonsense. I thought Rick Perry looked and sounded like a bumbling idiot. His record of job creation is a crock with the most minimum wage jobs in the country. Mitt Romney still trying to flip flop his way on the stage, Rick Santorum sounding like the new nazi party, Herman Cain sounding if he took an overdose of Steve Forbe pills, JOhn Huntsman sounding like he wasnt even there, and good old Michele Bachman trying to change every question into an obama bash because she doesnt have the first clue how to answer a question.
Lets take the question on immigration. The Question was clear to all of them, but especially Bachman, who had to be asked twice to answer it, "lets assume the fence is built, its under control, what do you do with 11 million illegals who are here then?"
NOBODY would answer the question! Everyone diverted to some other nonsense about "talking" about it later.
Where is the leadership among these dorks? Bachman after being asked the second time after a long winded blowhole of obama bashing, said she would have to consider time they were here, there records, where they live and such?
WTH? (what the heck)
What happened to the "were tough on illegals"? Where did that go?
I find it amuzing, that they ALL addressed the border and building a fence from end to end, even though its already a known fact that less than 6% of illegal immigration comes over the border on the south.
ITs laughable. Im still laughing, NOT ONE of them said anything about overstayed visas contributing to the influx of illegal aliens into this country.. They KNOW, there people watching and who will vote for them NO MATTER WHAT want to HEAR about border fences because THEY TOO are misinformed.
Its what motivates those people.
Deflection and Rejection. Last nights debate was a useless display of people wasting their time and ours.
Except for Ron Paul. That guy, well I give him the most credit. He's says it like it is. He is an equal opportunity offender, and I kinda see a little of myself in him.
The others, same ole nonsense. I thought Rick Perry looked and sounded like a bumbling idiot. His record of job creation is a crock with the most minimum wage jobs in the country. Mitt Romney still trying to flip flop his way on the stage, Rick Santorum sounding like the new nazi party, Herman Cain sounding if he took an overdose of Steve Forbe pills, JOhn Huntsman sounding like he wasnt even there, and good old Michele Bachman trying to change every question into an obama bash because she doesnt have the first clue how to answer a question.
Lets take the question on immigration. The Question was clear to all of them, but especially Bachman, who had to be asked twice to answer it, "lets assume the fence is built, its under control, what do you do with 11 million illegals who are here then?"
NOBODY would answer the question! Everyone diverted to some other nonsense about "talking" about it later.
Where is the leadership among these dorks? Bachman after being asked the second time after a long winded blowhole of obama bashing, said she would have to consider time they were here, there records, where they live and such?
WTH? (what the heck)
What happened to the "were tough on illegals"? Where did that go?
I find it amuzing, that they ALL addressed the border and building a fence from end to end, even though its already a known fact that less than 6% of illegal immigration comes over the border on the south.
ITs laughable. Im still laughing, NOT ONE of them said anything about overstayed visas contributing to the influx of illegal aliens into this country.. They KNOW, there people watching and who will vote for them NO MATTER WHAT want to HEAR about border fences because THEY TOO are misinformed.
Its what motivates those people.
Deflection and Rejection. Last nights debate was a useless display of people wasting their time and ours.