Well-Known Member
I think Sleeve makes a good point. If it is a ponzi scheme (which I concede the idea has some merit) then shouldn't the republican field of candidates be proposing it's immediate abolition? Because from my perspective at age 43, why should I still be on the giving end of a ponzi scheme only to get screwed in 22 years?
The system will abolish itself so trying to say the republicans can or will or must end the system is really a matter of do they choose when it ends or do they let the math run its course until the system collapses? A lot of our leaders in Washington would rather choose the latter because it makes the next election cycle that much easier for them. Perhaps the system needs to be reworked so that those who have paid for benefits can still receive them, but those of us young enough to adjust as well as those who have yet to start contributing be given the option to fore go this government ponzi scheme and allow us to put our money where we want to put it instead. I would much rather put that 6.2% of my money into my 401k where I know it will be worked harder and earn more over my lifetime than it ever could in this mess we call Social Security.