Republican Rewrite of US Taxcode


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, International Women's Boxing Federation doesn't make sense, I don't box and I'm not a woman...

It's possible you were trying to insult me with the 'IWBF' tag, but I don't know what that is, so, cheers.
It will be fine, your under the blanket buddy, your tag team partner.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
When I first read the tweet, I thought it was sarcasm. Then I noticed who wrote it. How out of touch do you have to be?Thank God for the family values of people like Paul Ryan and the Republicons. Drumpf is really making this a winning nation for the wealthy. A whole $1.50 per week while Trump plays golf every week end in Florida at our expense. Start charging the bum for his exorbitant travel expenses. He isn’t worth the gas money he uses. His cheeseburger bill alone could probably feed a family of 4 for a week. How he hammered Obama for the few vacation he took and the occasional rounds of golf. This creep golfs and eats more than Obama ever did.I don’t live in Wisconsin but would love to see Mr Bryce mop up the floor with this creep...

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Good times are here again. US deficient spending to go up $1 trillion this year. We are going to have the raise the debt ceiling early due to the revenue shortfall after the tax scam. Everything is going according to plan.