Republican senator won’t condemn Trump for defending chants of ‘Hang Mike Pence’


B.C. boohoo buster.
The Trumpian Republican Party represent the greatest danger to our pluralistic democratic republic since the British invasion of 1812. This culture of denial and rejection of facts creates a delusional world where truth can never been known or agreed to. Those who think their support for Trump makes them immune forget history. It's not long before everyone is considered the enemy and subject to repression and reprisals, up to including violence. Just ask the list of former Trump officials who once swore allegiance to him only to have Trump turn against them when they refused to break the law for him. The list is very very long with Mike Pence being the villain who wouldn't destroy the constitution to install Trump and his Republican Party as a dictator and one party dictatorship.


Inordinately Right
Says the guy who bought the Silly lie that Trump is Christian and loves the Working Class Folks and bought the even bigger lie that the election was stolen.
When did I say any of that?

Anyways, you seem very upset again today buddy, what's going on with you?

In other news....
Did you hear that Joe Biden molested his daughter?

El Correcto

god is dead


Well-Known Member
No what is sick in the head are the Republicans too afraid of 45 to condemn him.
Trump's cult booed him to his face. None of us are afraid of him, and most of us don't even like him all that much. But I still proudly hang Trump banners everywhere.

You people have no understanding of....anything.

El Correcto

god is dead
No what is sick in the head are the Republicans too afraid of 45 to condemn him.
Look at what democrats have done to this country in under a year. You people have absolutely nothing other than your deranged hypotheticals and manufactured crisis like January 6th.
They are using this as an excuse to try and take their political opposition out because they are absolute failures in governing. Extremist marxists make :censored2:ty leaders who’d of thunk it.


All Trash No Trailer
When did I say any of that?

Anyways, you seem very upset again today buddy, what's going on with you?

In other news....
Did you hear that Joe Biden molested his daughter?
Hey pal, i think that's Trump you are referring to. Like when he was on the view saying he'd 'date" Ivanka if she wasnt his daughter,or when Trump asked a Columnist " “Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?" Or when Trump told Howard Stern it was OK to refer to his daughter as a "Piece of Ass". Or maybe you are thinking of the time Trump told Rolling Stone " Yeah, she's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father... ,"......................ya'll support this sicko???


All Trash No Trailer
Trump's cult booed him to his face. None of us are afraid of him, and most of us don't even like him all that much. But I still proudly hang Trump banners everywhere.

You people have no understanding of....anything.
Trump was a complete failure in all aspects except for selling Cheap Chinese made products to his Cult


All Trash No Trailer
Look at what democrats have done to this country in under a year. You people have absolutely nothing other than your deranged hypotheticals and manufactured crisis like January 6th.
They are using this as an excuse to try and take their political opposition out because they are absolute failures in governing. Extremist marxists make :censored2:ty leaders who’d of thunk it.

And how is this is relevant to people storming the Capitol wanting to hurt elected officials and the Republicans not condemning Trump for supporting it?


Inordinately Right
The Trumpian Republican Party represent the greatest danger to our pluralistic democratic republic since the British invasion of 1812. This culture of denial and rejection of facts creates a delusional world where truth can never been known or agreed to. Those who think their support for Trump makes them immune forget history. It's not long before everyone is considered the enemy and subject to repression and reprisals, up to including violence. Just ask the list of former Trump officials who once swore allegiance to him only to have Trump turn against them when they refused to break the law for him. The list is very very long with Mike Pence being the villain who wouldn't destroy the constitution to install Trump and his Republican Party as a dictator and one party dictatorship.
The sky is falling!!!!
Take a deep breath chicken little.